Anyuysky National Park

Anyuysky is a national park of Russia, created in 2007 in the Khabarovsk Territory. Located on the right bank of the Amur in the Sihote Alin Mountains, which were not so much affected by human influence. The area occupied by the park is 4293 km2. The main reason for creating the park was the salvation of natural complexes, lanshaft, plant and animal worlds, the improvement of the protection and reconstruction of fish resources and commercial species of animals on the verge of extinction of biological species, for the development of tourism.

Anyuysky National Park

For the first time, the writer and scientist Vladimir Arsenyev put forward the idea of creating a reserve in the Besseyn of the Anyuy River because of the enormous biological diversity. In the 1930s, the territory of the park became part of the Sihote Alinsky reserve, but then lost its security status until 2007.

The territory of the Anyuysky National Park is poorly populated - only 3 settlements in which the indigenous people live - Nanaians and Udygheans. The organization of the park allows you to preserve the uniqueness of nature and ethnicity, to introduce tourists to the culture and life of the local population. In the Anyui National Park there are several natural monuments: an island in the river, formed from the wreckage of the rock, of the Nadeg rock. The Anuy River begins near the central part of the Sihote-Alin mountain system, flows into the estuarine part of the Naikhinsky Arch. Its length is 393 km. The main tributaries are Smoke, Pody, Gobilli, Tormasu, Moadi, Manoma.

Anyuysky National Park

The land of the national park « Anyuysky » is one of the less modified human activities within the southeastern part of the Russian Far East. It varies with a high variety of ecosystems, saturation with natural and historical sites. Here come across representatives of 6 pheunistic ensembles and virtually all of the main reliefs of the Priamur from mountain tundr to the floodplain of Amur. The flora of the Anui basin is very luxurious and contains over a thousand species of plants. The thickets of cedar shaft in combination with mountain tunders are replaced by a fir-ir forest formation. Adorable head rails with the participation of cedar shaft and golden rhodendron. The Anyu forest complex is of great environmental protection, as significant species of unique and fodder plants grow in this belt.

About 350 species of vertebrate animals live in this area, including somewhere 35 species of fish, 7 – amphibians, 8 – reptiles, more than 240 birds, 61 – mammals. Of the rare mammals, the Amur tiger, the Himalayan bear, the red wolf, the Amur forest cat live here. In the estuarine section of Anya you can meet the Far Eastern turtle. The main fishing species in the Anuy basin are: fish - keta, timen, Amur Harius, Amur, som, etc .; birds - quack, gogol, whistling chick, killer whale, thorn, rower, stone deaf; from mammals - protein, hare-white, American mink, sable, column, otter, brown bear, stoop, wild boar, boar, elk, roe deer.

Park « Anyuysky » owns the colossal potential for the development of water tourism. This is facilitated by a fairly developed road transport infrastructure. In the upper and middle reaches of Anyai there is a highway leading to Soviet Harbor and Pos. Vanino. It is very easy to ensure that travelers are delivered to the sites where the alloys began and to monitor the safety of tourists in the most difficult source area of the alloys. The Alloy River – is an amazing change of landscapes, an almost untouched nature, many archiological and sub-ethnic objects and, moreover, these places are excellent places for fishing.

Anyuysky National Park Anyuysky National Park Anyuysky National Park Anyuysky National Park Anyuysky National Park
Anyuysky National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 49.440556
Longitude: 136.556944


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