Issyk-Kul Lake

Issyk-Kul is the largest and most amazing lake in Kyrgyzstan, located in the north-east of the country. The maximum depth of the lake is 702 meters, which puts it on line 6 among the deepest lakes of the planet.

Issyk-Kul Lake

Issyk-Kul is located between the picturesque ridges of the Tien Shan mountain system. The name of the lake arose, most likely, from Turkic - Issi-Kul, there is also the Kyrgyz spelling "syk kel", which translates as "hot lake", since the water in it does not freeze all year round. This is facilitated by several factors: firstly, the lake is salty, and secondly, the basin has rather mild winters. For the first time, the lake was mentioned in the 2nd century AD. Chinese chroniclers who called it "Zhe-Hai" ( warm sea ). A more detailed study of Lake Issyk-Kul in the 19th century was carried out by the traveler and researcher Przewalsky Nikolai Mikhailovich, who in the will indicated that he be buried on the shore of this lake.

There are quite a lot of fish in the lake, there are 21 species in total, 14 of which are nowhere else to be found. Vegetation, on the contrary, is scarce, small forests with birch trees, poplars, willow can only be found on flowing rivers. Around the lake, mainly a sea buckthorn grows. On the slopes of the mountains you can find large thickets with barbari, currants, rose hips, mountain ash.

Issyk-Kul Lake

Over the years, many legends have developed about the lake. Among them is the legend of the great conqueror Tamerlan, who three times came to the shores of Lake Issyk-Kul to take control of local nomadic tribes. But as soon as he approached the army, then all the tribes left the country at once, and when the army left, they returned. During one of these, he ordered his soldiers to take a stone and fold them in one place. As a result, a big mountain grew. The next campaign, he ordered each soldier to take one stone from the mountain and shift them to another heap. Tamerlan was very sad when he saw that the first mountain was much larger than the second. These heaps of stones called Santa, which translates as counting stones. Also called a pass nearby. According to other legends, many rich cities are flooded in the lake. These legends are built on real facts, during archaeological excavations found traces of ancient cities and civilizations.

Tourism is very well developed here, a vacation in Issyk-Kul will bring a lot of impressions, because here the mountain and sea climate is combined, attracting a lot of tourists from adjacent countries. Most of the country's income from tourism is brought by the lake. Many recreation centers and boarding houses have been built on the lake, but, nevertheless, there are deaf places, because the territory of Issyk-Kul is huge - 182 kilometers in length and 58 in width. The main season takes place in June-August, when you can get a good tan on equipped beaches and swim in warm water. Another plus of tourism is the lack of industrial enterprises polluting water.

Issyk-Kul Lake Issyk-Kul Lake Issyk-Kul Lake Issyk-Kul Lake Issyk-Kul Lake Issyk-Kul Lake
Issyk-Kul Lake - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 42.433333
Longitude: 77.183333


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