Iris Water Garden

In the Japanese city of Savara, the magnificent Iris Water Garden flourishes, which was created by adhering to all the canons of gardening of this country. In Japan, they are very reverent for every flower, every green planting. The famous Japanese gardens are created not by one generation, but the heirs of this natural attraction not only carefully preserve what they have left as a legacy, but also increase it.

Iris Water Garden

Around the world, you can’t find so many flowering irises in one place. This unique Irisian water garden has approximately 1.5 million beautiful flowers on its territory. All this huge amount of flowering plants is distinguished by its saturated aroma, bright color, as well as size. These factors very charitablely affect tourists who are given the opportunity to walk in the park both on foot and quietly swim between flowering carpets on the water by boat.

The flowers here have such a name for a reason, because they are named in the name of the goddess Irida. These magnificent flowers in Japan are considered divine, they have been glorified since ancient times, because Iris has the property of protecting against many ailments, as well as driving away evil spirits. It is for these reasons that in ancient times, a vason with these healing plants flaunted in front of every Japanese dwelling.

Iris Water Garden

There is a legend that the rainbow, according to which the goddess Irida went down from heaven to earth, one day, did not hide behind the sun's rays, but broke into numerous shards, which, falling to the ground, turned into wonderful tremulous flowers called iris. That is how, translated from Greek, the word of the rainbow sounds. If you believe this belief, then this amazing water garden in Japan appeared.

The Japanese today, sacredly believe in the power of this divine flower, and the necklace with iris is endowed with special power, which saves from many troubles. Also, these flowers are very actively used in perfumes, as well as winemaking.

A holiday in the Iris Water Garden, called Shoebu-no sakku, which takes place annually on May 5, is dedicated to these tremulous colors. This well-known celebration can still be heard under the name of the day of the boys, because the leaves of these flowers are very similar to the blade of weapons, to which the local children have been accustomed since childhood, fostering morale.

In the Iris water garden, visitors are pleased with more than four varieties of these cute plants, including Iris campfera, Siberian, swamp, smooth. Each color variety is different in color, size, and also in requirements from the care side.

Iris Water Garden Iris Water Garden Iris Water Garden Iris Water Garden Iris Water Garden Iris Water Garden

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Iris Water Garden - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -22.793889
Longitude: -67.812222


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