Castel del Monte

Castel del Monte – is the most famous medieval castle, which is full of secrets and various symbols. It is located on the south side of Italy and in translation means « castle on the mountain ». This building refers to the reign of Emperor Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, who erected it in the 13th century.

Castel del Monte

Since time immemorial, the church of Santa Maria del Monte has existed on the hill, which was destroyed without leaving a trace. It was here that the castle was built, which attracts many modern tourists with its unusual appearance.

Scientists have determined that the castle was erected for ten years. But, it still remains a mystery who was the main architect of this unusual grandiose structure, the direct purpose of this building is also unknown. It is assumed that Castell del Monte keeps the secret of the exact sciences of the ancient people, including astronomy and mathematics. This castle presents the figure eight, which is noticed in everything. In the shape of an octagon, the entire building is built, which seats two floors. On the edges of the octagonal building, exactly eight towers are placed, which adhere to the same eight angles. On each floor there are exactly eight rooms, and in the towers themselves there are spiral stairs that unwind clockwise, which is not familiar for the buildings of this period. This castle does not have rooms for a specific purpose, all of them are interconnected by arched openings.

Castel del Monte

The Castell del Monte includes a patio on which the fountain is placed in the form of an octagon, which is carved from marble. This fountain was directly involved in some of the tamplayer customs.

The decor is the decoration of the castle, which also continues the theme of the number eight. Here you can count exactly as many leaves on the columns, on the key of the arch, and the local sunflowers contain eight petals. This number is not simple, because it acts as an intermediary between heaven and earth. In the form of decor, two lions were also built, which are placed at the entrance to the columns.

Given the fact that Emperor Frederick II was a fan of the hunting of falcons, and even devoted one of his written works to this topic, then you can let it go, that it was Castell del Monte who served as a hunting castle. Very important events took place here, among which the wedding of the ruler’s daughter.

For a long time, Castell del Monte was completely forgotten. In 1876, the state began to dispose of it, it was then that the castle was restored and acquired a well-groomed appearance.

This attraction was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1996. Nowadays, Castle Castell del Monte, which has a great resemblance to the royal crown, can be seen by everyone.

Castel del Monte Castel del Monte Castel del Monte Castel del Monte Castel del Monte Castel del Monte
Castel del Monte - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 41.084167
Longitude: 16.271389


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