Blue Lagoon

Blue Lagoon is a geothermal source in Iceland on the Reykjanes Peninsula. The terrain was formed under the influence of volcanoes and covered with lava rock, due to the barren nature of which water leaves the sea deep into the rocks, forming huge tanks with hot salt water.

Blue Lagoon

In 1976, a geothermal station was built here, having allowed all the power of hot springs to heat homes. Under the influence of hot salty sources in this area, the Blue Lagoon arose, the water in which is 60% composed of sea water and 40 of fresh water. Due to its complex composition of quartz, sea salts, algae, impurities of white clay, water has unique healing qualities. It attracts a lot of tourists from all over the world, which makes this attraction one of the famous in Iceland.

The temperature in the lagoon is at around 37 ° C all year round. Rain and snow have little effect on water temperature. With a slight decrease in water, a white silicon slurry appears in the water, which clogs all the cracks in the lava rock. Thanks to this, the water does not go back, and the Blue Lagoon increases in size. In general, the width of the lagoon is 200 meters, and it goes into length several kilometers. Since there is a high concentration of silicon in the water, contributing to the refraction of sunlight, the water has a blue hue.

Blue Lagoon

On the Blue Lagoon, a spa center, restaurants, bridges for convenience, waterfalls were built. To go to the center, you must go through the passage cut through the lava. Targeted qualities are also found in clay at the bottom of the lagoon, from it you can make a mask for yourself.

Visiting the lagoon is better in cool weather. Entrance costs about 20 euros, the time of being in the Blue Lagoon is not limited to anything, but it’s hard to last more than two hours. The complex includes natural cosmetics, take thermal baths, visit the clinic, restaurant.

The most interesting thing is that hundreds of bacteria can survive in the Blue Lagoon, but according to studies of bacteria, no bacteria have been found in the water.

At least 300,000 people visit this place annually.

Blue Lagoon Blue Lagoon Blue Lagoon Blue Lagoon Blue Lagoon Blue Lagoon
Blue Lagoon - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 63.88
Longitude: -22.448056


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