Széchenyi thermal bath

A very crowded and noisy place in Hungary is Varosliget Park, which is facilitated by the famous thermal baths of Sechenia, which are located here. This institution in Budapest is the oldest and largest complex building of its kind, which initially resembles some kind of medieval palace ensemble.

Széchenyi thermal bath

The magnificent thermal baths of Sichia have reached our time since 1913. They are quite popular among both local residents and travelers. Everyone who goes through the bathing procedure not only cleans the body, but also improves health.

The first thoughts about creating a city bath in Budapest visited the heads of local authorities back in 1884. For almost 20 continuous years, the architect Diese Ziegler, who was entrusted with this important business, worked on the creation of the project. The very first fruit of the tireless work of the architect and his student was the bathhouse, which opened in 1913. But the entire planned complex appeared on this territory by 1938.

Széchenyi thermal bath

This lineup ensemble has an impeccable look. The baths themselves are made adhering to the style of classicism with the Neo-Renaissance. The whole present decor resembles water themes, because shells, statuettes of sea deities, as well as various images of fish, mermaids, water monsters and, of course, excellent landscapes serve as decorations. In a word, the bathhouse looks as if it were a house of art.

The water that enters the Sichia baths is close to 77 degrees. It comes from a special well, the depth of which is about 1240 meters. Although thermal water approached the very first bathhouse from a depth of 970 meters.

The complex of baths Cecicia is 18 pools, each of which has its own temperature regime and purpose. Also, a special hospital operates in this territory, where people can stock up on health. Especially the benefit will be the procedures of the Szechen bathing system, for those who suffer from joint diseases, as well as digestive organs and musculoskeletal system.

Various massages and mud treatment are also quite common here. Very popular is the procedure for taking water inside. But if you do not complain about your health, then simple water procedures in thermal waters of the Sichy baths will charge you with positive energy for a long time.

Before visiting this area in Hungary, you need to get a personal guide, since ignorance of Hungarian can leave not quite good impressions of Sichia's swimsuit.

Széchenyi thermal bath Széchenyi thermal bath Széchenyi thermal bath Széchenyi thermal bath Széchenyi thermal bath Széchenyi thermal bath
Széchenyi thermal bath - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 47.518333
Longitude: 19.082222


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