Viñales Valley
Viñales Valley - Cuban National Park, occupying a 132 km valley2, surrounded by the mountains of Sierra de los Organos. The cultural lanshaft of the valley is listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Located in the province of Pinar del Rio, making it famous throughout the planet. Here, land under tobacco is still being cultivated in traditional ways, the ancient architecture of farms and villages has been preserved.

Vignales Valley is an amazing place, here a rich lanschaft contains extensive cave systems, mineral springs, prehistoric settlements of people, plantations of one of the best tobacco in the world, as well as rock formations "mute" up to 400 meters high - local residents called them "elephant backs". All this makes Vignales Valley an exceptional place that all travelers seek to visit. In these places, a very rich flora, represented by fruit, medicinal, ornamental plants such as: Cayman oaks, seiba trees, Mycrocycas calocoma palm, which appeared back in the Jurassic period. All the rarest plants found in the valley are collected in the northeast of the valley in the botanical garden of Kaza de Caridad. Among local residents, it is customary to treat travelers with fruit during the harvest. The mountains are famous for their caves, the most famous: Santo Thomas, Cave of the Indian, Jose Miguel. Santo Thomas is the largest Latin America with an aggregate stroke length of 45 km. The valley also has Palenque de los Simarrones - a camp in which slaves hid and the "Distorical Fresco" painted on a rock 120 meters high. Ancient animals and people are painted on the fresco.
Tobacco has been grown in the village of Vinyales since 1875. Local farmers working in the valley use traditional methods of growing and collecting tobacco. Here 70% of tobacco is grown in Cuba. In a place called La Casa del Veguero, you can watch how tobacco is grown. The staff will quickly tell how tobacco is prepared and show tobacco dryers, and which it is stored from February to May.

Before the European colonialists arrived here, the Taino tribes lived here. Around the 1800s, tobacco tycoons from the Canary Islands began to sail to the Vinyales Valley. The first documented settlement is Don Andreas Hernades Ramos Ranch. The city was founded by current in 1878.
On the cube you can distinguish 2 seasons: dry from November to April and the rainy season from May to October. In September, typhoons sometimes happen.