Lake Manasarovar

Lake Manasarovar is a sacred Tibetan lake, the name of which translates as “lake of consciousness”. There are many myths and legends about this place. Hindus consider the sacred reservoir to be the soul of God Brahma. Everyone who visited it claims: only by visiting here can you feel the mystical atmosphere and the mesmerizing beauty of nature. And no one argues with this statement.

Lake Manasarovar

Description of the area

Lake Manasarovar is located in the highlands at an altitude of 4587 meters above sea level. If you drive west from Tibet's holy city of Lhasa, the distance will be 950 kilometers. The exact location of the wonderful lake is Purang County, Ngari District. The maximum depth of Lake Manasarovar is 82 meters, its area is 520 square kilometers. This is a large body of fresh water and is home to many fish. The coastline covers 88 kilometers. There are hot springs next to the lake. Local residents make sure that the water is clean and not polluted. In winter, the reservoir freezes. The bright turquoise water is always calm, complete calm reigns, on some days the water surface changes color to blue-green.

Top of Kailash and Manasarovar

It is difficult to imagine the reservoir separately from the sacred Mount Kailash. The two objects complement each other. People are fascinated by the pristine nature and mystical atmosphere. The water reserves of Lake Manasarovar are replenished from the sources of the peak. Kailash and Manasarovar are Yang, white, masculine, and Yin, black, feminine. According to ancient legend, Parvati, the wife of the supreme god Shiva, lived in the waters of the lake. And Mount Kailash belonged to the supreme deity. People believe that by visiting holy places, you can radically change your life and become better.

Lake Manasarovar

Attractions in the area

The two lakes Manasarovar and Langa Tso (Rakshas) are connected by the Hong Kong Chu underground canal. Its length is 10 kilometers. The Langa-Tso reservoir is restless, constant waves. The sun rarely appears, the weather is mostly cloudy. Due to the salty water and high silver content, local residents consider the reservoir to be the dark side of the world, and the water as “dead”. There is no vegetation along the shore.

The water of Lake Manasarovar is “living”, it is considered the embodiment of the holy lake Anavatapta (“free from heat”). Local residents believed that water could quench the fire that tormented living beings. Buddha Shakyamuni was also conceived here. Buddhists believe in the healing power of water. She is able to heal a person even from serious illnesses, cleanse them from sins and negative karma. There are 9 monasteries in the district, the most famous is Chiu Gompa (Bird Monastery). A lifetime sculpture of Buddha-Chomdente is kept here. Not only pilgrims, but also people seeking to know themselves flock to Lake Manasarovar. A walk around the reservoir takes 3 to 4 days. The circumambulation began in ancient times, as stated in ancient Indian texts - the Puranas. The pilgrim's path for the ritual kora is available to everyone who reveres the Buddha and his teachings.

Lake Manasarovar Lake Manasarovar Lake Manasarovar Lake Manasarovar Lake Manasarovar Lake Manasarovar
Lake Manasarovar - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 30.65
Longitude: 81.45


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