
Huangshan is a national park in the Chinese massif, in Anhui province, three hundred kilometers from Shanghai. Granite rocks in the mountains inspired Chinese poets and landscape painters, one of Lee Bo's poets in 747 named this place "Yellow Mountains" ( Huanshan ). Over 70 mountains have a height of more than a thousand meters, of which the highest Peak of Lotus ( 1864 meters ), Peak of the Heavenly Capital ( 1829 m ) and Peak of Light ( 1840 m ). In 1990, the area of Huanshan was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List for the beauty of the mountains, and also because many rare animals and plants live here.


Mountains began to form in the Mesozoic era about 100 million years ago. Glaciers broke mountains, leaving behind the rocks of bizarre forms. The clouds here are several times a month below the level of the mountains, forming natural phenomena like: "Buddy Light" and "Cloud Sea". Endemic pine trees grow on the slopes of Huanshan, giving the mountains a look recognized by everyone.

The tourist infrastructure is well developed in the national park: cable cars are built, small clearing is cut for climbing to the peaks, there are observation platforms and hotels on the paths. Near the mountain "Picle of the purple cloud" there are hot springs in which the temperature regime of the water is kept at 45 ° C. With a classic hiking mashut, visitors to the park will go around the tops of the mountains, admire the sunset and sunrise.

Huangshan Huangshan Huangshan Huangshan Huangshan Huangshan
Huangshan - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 30.116667
Longitude: 118.166667


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