Gruthuse Museum

The Gruthuse Museum is located in the palace of the same name and contains a collection of exhibits ranging from the 15th to the 19th centuries. This is the pride of ancient Bruges. The attraction is open to the public every day, seven days a week, from 9:30 to 17:30. Not only residents of Belgium come here, but also travelers from other countries.

Gruthuse Museum

History of the Gruthuse Museum

It is located in the family city palace of a very wealthy family. In the 15th centuries, the Gruethuses were producers of a fortified drink based on herbs and hops, the drink had a tonic effect and was in great demand. Initially, the family had a different surname, but after the success of the drink they changed it to Gruchthuse.

One part of the large family house was given over to production. Ingredients for making the drink were brought here along the river. Straight from the water, herbs were unloaded from boats and taken into the house. To track deliveries, a small window was provided in the front of the house, which provided an excellent view of the water. In the residential part of the house there were personal chambers, halls and a reception room, utility rooms, a kitchen and a pantry for supplies. The owners built an extension on the south side of the building; its windows looked directly onto the altar of the Church of the Mother of God. Thus, the family could participate in church services without leaving home.

Gruthuse Museum

The owners of the mansion belonged to the guild of the Order of the Golden Fleece and were also trusted by the Dukes of Burgundy and occupied a prominent position in the city. In 1596, after the death of the head of the family, the family mansion was bought from his widow by King Philip 4 and placed at the disposal of a charitable foundation.

At the end of the 19th century, the city palace was acquired by the municipality of Bruges, it was decided to organize the Gruethuse Museum in it, for this purpose restoration work was carried out here for several years.

Features of the Gruthuse Museum

Initially, the main attraction of the museum was the archaeological collection, but later the collection expanded significantly to include a wide variety of items, from furniture and dishes to paintings and wall tapestries.

The Gruthuse Museum is interesting as a monument of Gothic architecture - a mansion of the 15-16 centuries, in which wealthy merchants lived. It is filled with the spirit of that time, especially since the first restoration work began here at a time of general interest in the Middle Ages.

Visitors to the Gruthuse Museum note the large number of exhibits and their diversity; they also say that the mansion has very steep stairs, which are not familiar to modern people. In Bruges, they treat the preservation of their history with great respect and trepidation; another restaurant was held here quite recently and the house is again ready to receive guests.

Gruuthusemuseum Gruuthusemuseum Gruuthusemuseum Gruuthusemuseum Gruuthusemuseum Gruuthusemuseum
Gruthuse Museum - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 51.205
Longitude: 3.225


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