
Amalir Sports and Concert Hall. K. Demirchyan is located on Tsitsernakaberd Hill in Yerevan. The largest complex was built in 1983. The SKK project was carried out by a group of famous architects of Armenia, engineers and sculptors. Their work became the winner of the competition among 8 participants. For the original architectural solution in 1987, the authors of the project became laureates of the state prize. CCM is a structure of rounded structures that are supported by giant pylons.


In 1983, only the sports part was discovered. In 1984, a fire broke out in the concert part, where construction work was still ongoing. Recovery work ended only by 1987. Visitors to the Amalir complex are greeted by a comfortable spacious lobby. It often holds exhibitions, presentations and other events. The lobby has a cozy express cafe where amazing coffee is prepared.

The area of the gym 3800 m2, places for spectators 7000. With the help of a rotating stand, the number of seats increases by another thousand. Amalir Hall is equipped with excellent lighting and sound equipment, meeting the high requirements for international competitions.


The area of the concert hall is almost 1300 m2. It seats up to 2000 spectators. The hall is also equipped with high-quality sound and light technology, allowing you to organize the most beautiful show. For international meetings, presentations and seminars, the CCM has a Ayastan conference room equipped with high-quality modern technology. Argishti Hall is located next to Ayastan. It is ideal for corporate parties, receptions and other similar events.

In 1999, a terrorist attack took place in the Armenian parliament. Among the dead was K. Demirchyan, who made a lot of efforts to create and develop the CCM. Amalir complex was given his name. In October 2005. SKK bought the Russian construction company BAMO for $ 5.7 million. Under the terms of the transaction, the company had to carry out reconstruction. The company fulfilled the condition by spending $ 42 million. The work lasted 3 years.

Amalir – venue for the largest mass events – from concerts to sports. Here I spoke. Gillan, Thomas Anders, Bonnie M, Michel Legrand, Demis Russos, La Scala Theater Orchestra and other stars. Among the sporting events, it is worth noting the Chess Olympiad of 1996, the European Ushu Championship, championships and tournaments in weightlifting, boxing, acrobatic, and rhythmic gymnastics. In 2011, the Eurovision children's was held". The solemn inauguration of the country's president also takes place in Amalir.

Amalir Amalir Amalir Amalir Amalir Amalir
Amalir - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 40.188173
Longitude: 44.483321


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