Sukhothai Historical Park

Sukhothai is an incredibly beautiful oldest city in the north side of Thailand. It is the oldest capital of Siam, which was created back in 1238. Sukhothai, if translated into Russian, means « the dawn of happiness », but this city can also be heard under the name « the cradle of Thai civilization ».

Sukhothai Historical Park

Now in Sukhothai there are approximately 200 different structures, which are witnesses to the rich Thai history. The ruins of this city are carefully guarded by the state and are their property, as well as the property of the whole world. The beautiful architecture of the time, the ruins of which we can observe today, wears a style called « Sukotai ». This style was created by Thai civilization, under the influence of both the ancient customs here and the alien ones.

The ancient city of Sukhothai, together with its attractions, was recognized as an architectural monument in 1961, and after its reconstruction, an official opening was carried out in 1976. Also in 1991, the Sukhothai cultural monument was in UNESCO's registers.

Sukhothai Historical Park

King Ramkamheng, which ruled the power at that time, was one of the most famous rulers. It was during those hours that a currency was established in the country, the alphabet was invented, and a whole list of laws was compiled. At the time of the Ramkamheng government, the establishment of the main religion of Siam – Buddhism falls. Sukhothai's capital did not stay long, only 110 years, since by the end of the 13th century internal problems began here. Slowly, power over the city began to pass on to other nations.

Modern Sukhothai looks very neat and is a small city where somewhere around 80 thousand people live. In the outline of the city, in addition to well-groomed lawns, three beautiful parks, there are also four ponds and fountains.

The largest temple, of which about 24 were erected on the territory of Sukhothai, is considered to be Wat Mahathat. Ruin was not left of him, but evidence is a stone that is found in this territory. The stone has the following meaning: « rice grows in the fields, fish is found in local rivers, and the king is always in a good mood ». This mark, following the opinion of experts, dates back to 1290. By the period of the XII century, another ancient architectural monument is credited - Wat San Da Pha Daeng. A huge Buddha statue was erected here, the size of which reached 32 meters.

Every year, in the ancient city of Sukhothai, a celebration is held, which is about 800 years old. This ancient holiday of Mater-Reke is dedicated. Once you find this wonderful festival called Loy Kratkhong, which is celebrated in early November, you can have a great time trying on many traditional Thai dishes that are being prepared, adhering to old-fashioned recipes.

Sukhothai Historical Park Sukhothai Historical Park Sukhothai Historical Park Sukhothai Historical Park Sukhothai Historical Park Sukhothai Historical Park

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Sukhothai Historical Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 17.021111
Longitude: 99.703611


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