Alexander Garden

Alexander Garden is one of the most famous gardens of Moscow with an area of 10 hectares, located right at the walls of the Moscow Kremlin and dedicated to Emperor Alexander I.

Alexander Garden

The construction of the garden was carried out in 1819 — 1823 according to the project of the architect Osip Bove in the area where the Neglinka River once flowed. The river was completely closed to the brick pipe several years earlier. The garden ordered the breakdown of Alexander I during the Moscow recovery project after the 1812 fire. When executing the decree, 3 gardens appeared: Lower, Middle and Upper, which are of the same name Alexandrovsky Garden, however, the boundaries of the gardening of gardens are pronounced.

The main attraction of the Upper Garden is the Ruina Grotto, and it is also called the Italian Grotto". This monument was erected as a reminder of the cost of victory over the troops of Napoleon. During its construction, fragments of the buildings of Moscow were used, which the French army turned into ruins. Also in the Upper Garden there is another important monument - the Grave of an unknown soldier and the Eternal Fire, which guards the guard of honor. In 2010, they opened a stele here, which was dedicated to the cities of military glory. At the main entrance to the garden is a obelisk erected in honor of the 300th anniversary of the reign of the Romanov House, but during the revolution it was redone, removing the royal symbols, and dedicated it to the revolutionaries and theorists of socialism. In 2013, the previous appearance of the monument was restored. In the Middle Garden there were ticket offices where you can buy a ticket from the Museum of the Moscow Kremlin, and in the Lower Garden there is no walking area and it is not available to the public.

Alexander Garden

Another important historical attraction is the Kutafya Tower - a branch tower for protecting the walls of the Kremlin, which has survived only one of all. Initially, its height was 18 meters, but later the lower part was poured. When the enemy arrived, the gates of the tower were to close by the drawbridge, making the Kremlin impregnable. In the 16-17th century, the tower was surrounded on all sides by the Neglinka River.

Residents of the capital and guests of Moscow are always pleased to walk along well-groomed alleys, looking at luxurious flower beds and shrubs. From shrubs in the Alexander Garden you can see bushes of lilacs, acacia, hawthorns, turmoil, jasmine and all of them bloom at different times of the year. In the spring, numerous tulip flower beds delight, and roses in the summer.

Alexander Garden Alexander Garden Alexander Garden Alexander Garden Alexander Garden Alexander Garden
Alexander Garden - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 55.752345
Longitude: 37.613701


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