Astrakhan Nature Reserve

Astrakhan Biosphere Reserve is one of the oldest reserves in Russia located in the Volga Delta. After thousands of kilometers, Volga near the Caspian Sea is divided into dozens of hoses, forming isolated islets in which hundreds of species of birds, fish and animals hide from hunters and fishermen.

Astrakhan Nature Reserve

Astrakhan reserve is divided into 3 parts: Damchik, Trekhizbinskaya, Obzhorovskaya. Initially, the reserve area was 230 km2, but as the Caspian Sea was clothed, it increased to 679 km2 ( 113 km water area ). The reserve was created back in 1919, and in 1927 received the status of a natural object of national importance. The organization of the reserve was a forced measure, since the burning of reeds, uncontrolled hunting and fishing practically brought many species of birds and animals to the brink of extinction. In the 19-20th century, a fashion for feathers arose, in connection with this, several offices were opened in Astrakhan, purchasing bird skins to send them abroad. In 1903 alone, more than 100,000 skins of birds were taken away, but already in 1912 the offices were closed, since the birds in the Volga Delta were almost exterminated. The uncontrolled burning of last year's reed led to the destruction of animals and egg clads in it, fires spread over to forests, destroying the habitat of wild animals.

Astrakhan Nature Reserve has a very rich ornithofauna, reading 280 varieties of birds, of which 72 are rare. Here you can see with a rooster, currently endangered by the species of birds. They stop at the delta during a south flight. You can also see curly pelicans, Egyptian herons, grains, small cormorants, white-tailed eagles, geese, brook swans, flamingos. Birds from Europe, Africa and Asia flock to the reserve. Because of this, the reserve is sometimes called the "bird's hotel". Most of the birds living here are representatives of wetland species and only slightly more than 30 to forest and meadow.

Astrakhan Nature Reserve

A beautiful flower grows here, which the locals call the "Caspian rose", to everyone else it is known as lotus. This magnificent flower is read to delight with its color and aroma from July to September. Also, rare plants such as chilim, salvinia, and jugs grow here. All registered over 290 species of plants.

Forest animals in the water area take root poorly, but, nevertheless, in the Astrakhan reserve you can see wolves, wild boars, foxes. In the late 1930s, Astrakhan released raccoon-shaped dogs, and already in the 40s they could be found throughout the Volga Delta. In 1954, more than two hundred ondatras were released in the reserve, and after a couple of years they could be found everywhere in the Astrakhan region.

One of the riches of the Astrakhan Biosphere Reserve is fish, there are about 60 species of fish: sivryugi, sturgeon, beluga whites, bunches, dodgers, bunks, bits, bits, and others. Nevertheless, fishing is prohibited, so for fishing you need to choose another place.

The Astrakhan Biosphere Reserve fulfills the important task of preserving and restoring natural resources, exploring nesting sites and the route of migratory birds. Here is one of the largest bird ringing centers.


Astrakhan Nature Reserve Astrakhan Nature Reserve Astrakhan Nature Reserve Astrakhan Nature Reserve Astrakhan Nature Reserve Astrakhan Nature Reserve
Astrakhan Nature Reserve - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 45.581089
Longitude: 47.91632


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