Shirakami mountains

The Shirakami mountain ranges are an integral part of the Shirakami nature reserve. The territory in the north of the island of Honshu has been protected by the country's authorities since 1949, and since 1993 the natural park has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Shirakami mountains

Shirakami Nature Reserve

The Shirakami Mountain Reserve covers an area of 1300 km2 and includes forests, mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, as well as numerous inhabitants who live here in their natural environment. For the most part of the territory, various hiking trails have been laid, following them everyone can get to know the local nature, which has remained untouched for a long time. For lovers of water tourism, there are also water routes, also of varying complexity and length.

Along the coast of the Sea of Japan, at the foot of the mountain range, there is the Gono railway line. The Shirakami Express Resort Express route is very popular with tourists. Through the panoramic windows of the express, the reserve appears in all its glory. The travel time is calculated so that passengers can admire the sunset over the bay. On the outskirts of the reserve there is a national park of 12 lakes, it has a tent camp for those who want to relax alone with nature.

Shirakami mountains

Reserved Forest

One of the main attractions in the vicinity of Mount Shirakami is the beech forest. Beech forests are a real treasure of the reserve; many of these trees have been growing here for hundreds of years. Part of the forest has remained untouched for many years.

Amazing beeches grow at the very foot of the mountains, they grow to impressive sizes. Trees are not afraid of cold and snowy winters, which are the norm for this region. Their tall crowns shed their leaves only after the first frost. During heavy rains, the dense greenery of beech crowns does not allow drops of moisture to pass through, and they merge in swift streams along mighty trunks. Maples, cedars and pines also grow in large numbers in the forests. Together they create an amazingly picturesque landscape against the backdrop of mountain ranges.

Shirakami Santi

"The Highlands of the White God" - this is how the locals call it, a mountain range located on the territory of two northern prefectures of Japan. The maximum height above sea level is 1243 meters. Mountain trails are laid to the peaks, some of the routes can only be overcome by cars.

Tourists are advised to visit the local Anmon waterfall, one of the three largest waterfalls in this region. The Nihon Canyon is also very popular, the path to it is more difficult and long, but the views that travelers open up are worth the effort. A special place on the territory of the reserve is the Dairakyo gorge, you can visit it only with a special permit.

Shirakami Wildlife

A few words should be said about the inhabitants of these places. Bears, foxes, martens, antelopes and mountain goats live here. From birds of rare birds here you can meet golden eagles, black woodpeckers, jays. Animals, birds and other inhabitants of the reserve live here without fear of humans.

A visit to the reserve is recommended for lovers of untouched, pristine nature, it is she who is the rightful mistress here.

Shirakami mountains Shirakami mountains Shirakami mountains Shirakami mountains Shirakami mountains Shirakami mountains
Shirakami mountains - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 40.47
Longitude: 140.13


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