Samurai Museum in Tokyo

The Samurai Museum in Tokyo is not included in the mandatory excursion program for tourists, but is very significant for those who want to unravel the mysterious Japanese soul. A visit here will also be useful for those who are interested in history, especially military history. A small, cozy museum dedicated to the history of the samurai, located in the trendy Shinduku district in the Japanese capital of Tokyo.

Samurai Museum in Tokyo

History of creation

Before we move on to the description of the Samurai Museum in Tokyo, we should talk about the fact that samurai are unusual warriors from the noble class. Many consider them to be real Japanese knights, ready to give their lives for their Motherland and their master. It is believed that they valued honor more than life, and washed away the inflicted shame with their own blood, making hara-kiri for themselves with their own hands. This behavior aroused horror and admiration among civilized Europeans and Americans, and the closeness of Japan until the end of the 19th century contributed to the preservation of an atmosphere of romantic mystery around these people. By visiting the Samurai Museum in Tokyo, you can experience the extraordinary beauty and strength of the samurai spirit.

Exhibition of the Samurai Museum in Tokyo

Most of the exhibits are located on the second floor. Of particular interest to guests is the gallery with clothing and protective equipment of the very first samurai. The family distinctive signs of samurai dynasties are also presented here. Please note that the museum displays only authentic exhibits.

Samurai Museum in Tokyo

From the era when the fighting class was formed, the story begins about the most brilliant samurai of that time, the swordsman Miyamoto Musashi. The exhibition ends with the Edo era, when in the 19th century the samurai gradually disappeared from the historical and political scene. The following rooms of the Samurai Museum in Tokyo display weapons and protective equipment. These are ancient Japanese swords, helmets, and firearms. The exhibition features authentic swords and armor made 700 years ago; you can try on some of the exhibits for yourself. In the exhibitions you can trace how the traditions and goals of the samurai changed, how their relationships with their overlords transformed.

Visitors are especially delighted by the 15-minute demonstration martial arts on katanas. Concerts of national music are also held here, and master classes on Japanese calligraphy are held. Group tours take place every 10-20 minutes at the Samurai Museum in Tokyo, but please note that lectures are only held in Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean. Those who wish can dress up in a samurai costume or a Japanese wedding kimono to take a photo as a souvenir. In the souvenir shop at the Samurai Museum in Tokyo you can buy unique Japanese souvenirs: katana swords, fans, emblems and T-shirts with samurai symbols.

Samurai Museum in Tokyo - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 35.7
Longitude: 139.6


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