
Brief description of the country

Ethiopia is a landlocked East African state. The area is more than 1,000,000 square kilometers, the population exceeds 120 million people, the capital is Addis Ababa, the official language is Amharic.

It is best to come to the republic from October to May, the rest of the time it is the rainy season. Most entertainment venues are located in the capital. It is recommended to visit zoos, nature reserves, go to a golf club, for children there is an entertainment center Bob and Bongos. At night, you can walk in clubs where live music is played.

The national cuisine is spicy, but spices are considered a necessity, since food spoils in the heat, and they have a bactericidal effect. The locals do not eat pork, the alternative is bird or reptile dishes. Teff (local cereal) cakes and vegetable dishes are popular. Coffee is considered the national drink. As a memento of the trip, they take coffee and dishes. You can bargain on the market, you should not buy products made from the skins of animals, ivory, since these goods cannot be exported outside Ethiopia.

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