South Luangwa National Park

South Luangwa - Zambian National Park, founded back in 1972 and covering an area of 9050 km2. In its area, the park is one of the largest in South Africa. The reserve for the park was given back in 1938, when a hunting reserve was founded here, which was later converted into a national park.

South Luangwa National Park

But the South Luangwa reserve did not fully enter the national park, its remains are adjacent to the park. The huge and rich fauna of the park attracts many tourists here, due to which South Luangwa is among the ten most visited parks in South Africa.

By the wealth of the fauna, only the Serengeti and Ruakh national park can compete with the park. All this thanks to armed guards, ensuring that poachers do not exterminate animals. In South Luangwa Park, there are several ecosystems from swamps and flood meadows to sailed forests, which also led to a rich animal world. On the filler meadows, the feathered, of which there are more than 400 species, feel great. Among the birds, crowned cranes, marabu, saddle storks and openings are most often found.

South Luangwa National Park

The park is also famous for its huge number of hippos who have chosen the Luangwa River. One kilometer of the river accounts for approximately 50 hippos. Also in the park until recently, all representatives of the Big African Five met, which includes elephants, buffaloes, lions, rhinos and leopards. This term is inherent in hunters, because trophies from these animals are the most coveted for them. Therefore, hunters exterminated here the already dying rhinos in Africa. In South Luangwe, there is also a characteristic type of giraffe that is characteristic of this area, which is more pronounced. The park also has 15 varieties of antelopes, as well as many small predators: hyenas, jackals, hyenoid dogs.

In the South Luangwa National Park, tourism infrastructure is quite well developed, including campgrounds, and dirt roads. The nearest airport is located near the city of Mfouve. Well, the park itself opens its doors to visitors from June - November.

South Luangwa National Park South Luangwa National Park South Luangwa National Park South Luangwa National Park South Luangwa National Park South Luangwa National Park
South Luangwa National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -13
Longitude: 31.5


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