Loch Ness

Loch Ness is the largest freshwater lake located in the north of the UK. The area of the pond covers an area of about 65 km2, and its depth is more than 230 meters. A lake was formed about 300 million years ago during the melting of glaciers near the hollow of the earth's crust, as a result of the displacement of mountain ranges. Loch Ness is surrounded on all sides by mountains.

Loch Ness

Despite the fact that the lake is very deep and long, the water in it is quite cloudy, due to the high content of peat in the ground. The waters of the lake enter the Caledonian Canal, connecting the two coast of Scotland. In the circumference of the lake there are many artificial islands - crannogams.

The Loch Nessa water is part of a number of hydropower plants, providing the UK with an energy system.

Loch Ness

Around Lake Loch Ness, many mysteries, secrets and rumors have been gathered. According to legend, the existence of some huge animal Nassie suggests the existence of here. This was mentioned already in the 6th century AD. Nassie is by many signs like animals that lived on the territory of our planet many years before people appeared. The existence of this mysterious inhabitant of Loch Ness was confirmed by hundreds of eyewitnesses who saw a large creature with a oblong neck and a snake-like head. The mysterious creature was able to be shot on the camera, the pictures were checked for authenticity.

In the 19th century, expeditions were carried out carefully to study the Loh Nessa – water bodies, groups of several people gathered, and one by one – everyone wanted to solve the mystery of the mysterious lake.

The lake was viewed along and across, the most modern equipment was used, the depths of the waters were scanned, video cameras were installed on the shores, and they tried to lure the animal with explosive shells. But so far, all actions are unsuccessful.

In 1966, a documentary was shot from the height of a helicopter, in which the figure of Nassi clearly appeared, experts confirmed the presence of a living creature in the lake.

New photographs and videos appear annually, on which the figure of the lake inhabitant is clearly captured, but the question of the existence of an animal in Loch Nessa remains open.

Not without the commercial side of – there were many books, films, cartoons, games with the main character of Nassi, the purpose of which is to profit from sales.

Loch Ness beckons many tourists with his mystery, everyone comes here with the hope of seeing the legendary unidentified living monster with his own eyes.

Loch Ness Loch Ness Loch Ness Loch Ness Loch Ness Loch Ness
Loch Ness - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 57.3
Longitude: -4.45


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