Great Dismal Swamp

Virginia, which belongs to America, has a real swampy place known as the Great Gloomy Swamp. This mysterious area, which is completely flooded with stagnant water, is located between the Atlantic coast and the foot of the ridge. This corner of wildlife is a nature reserve and is protected by the state. The total area of the Great Gloomy Swamp is 500 km2.

Great Dismal Swamp

As it should, these wild mysterious lands are generously endowed with various stories and legends. Once upon a time, this territory was in the possession of the Indian tribe. But during the mass colonization of North America, the local settlements were destroyed, and those who survived had to move far into the wilderness. There is a belief that since then the spirit of the people who died has been swampy terrain. This is the reason that strange events sometimes happen here. Some people believe in these myths, and some do not take into account, but the heart-rending stories about the One-Eye Indian, as well as the Black Lumberjack, who lead tourists to the local guides, listen to everything without interrupting. Despite some mystery, as well as fears, everyone who has visited this place will certainly advise him to their loved ones.

The climate where the Great Gloomy Swamp is located is subtropical, which is characterized by hot but wet summer time, as well as rainy winter days. Weather conditions are the main reason for the spill of local waters into a vast territory.

Great Dismal Swamp

The huge trees growing from under the water, which are endowed with some kind of magical power, look amazing. Among them, cypress trees, pine trees, maples predominate. In the swamp, even in broad daylight, there is a twilight that draws an unusually mysterious landscape. There are constantly many birds: pelicans fly, herons roam carelessly, and wild ducks scour. Also in this place live a variety of frogs, otters and snakes. The surface of the water covers a layer of green algae, which is interwoven with its roots off the coast. The natural picture is complemented by black trunks of fallen trees.

On land it is easy to get into danger, because pits and various paths that are easily tightened cover up by deceiving grass and mosses. Animals of the local forest have long been accustomed to such conditions, they are careful not to be in a natural trap.

A traveler who has no experience in such places can be very easily lost. But local rangers who lead the tour with marshy terrain will definitely choose the right, safe path.

Great Dismal Swamp Great Dismal Swamp Great Dismal Swamp Great Dismal Swamp Great Dismal Swamp Great Dismal Swamp
Great Dismal Swamp - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 36.640876
Longitude: -76.451797


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