Golden Gate Park

Park « Golden Gate » is a city park located in San Francisco. The park covers an area of 4.12 km2, has the shape of a rectangle, the same as Central Park in New York, but larger in area. Park « Golden Gate » accepts 13 million visitors a year and ranks third among the most visited parks in the United States immediately after Central Park and Lincoln Park. In 1967, the famous « collection of tribes » hippies took place in the park, which became a prelude to « the summer of love ».

Golden Gate Park

The city of San Francisco, named after St. Francis of Assisi, was founded in 1776 by the Spaniards, and with the beginning of the "golden fever" in 1848 it began to grow and develop rapidly. And the completion of the railway made the city a major business center in the region. The population had a need for an active recreation area. The lands allocated for this park were non-drawn territory covered with sand dunes. A lot of people worked on the creation of the park, but history remembers only two names directly related to the – project of Scot John McLaren, the leader and scientist-gardener, and William H. Hall, civil engineer. These extraordinary people managed to combine into a single complex two picturesque waterfalls, more than a dozen lakes and a huge Botanical Garden with a unique selection of space and earth exhibits, including relict plants, artifacts, precious stones and rare minerals.

Currently, more than one million trees have been planted, mainly eucalyptus, pine and cypress trees. Now the Golden Gate Park is the main place of recreation and entertainment for San Francisco citizens and offers visitors the opportunity not only to relax, but also to explore many attractions, including the construction of an unusual architectural design, numerous picturesque meadows and lakes, various museums and monuments, as well as public institutions. A variety of cultural events are held all year round at the Golden Gate Park.

Golden Gate Park

One of the pearls of the Golden Gate Park is the Conservatory of Flowers. Over one and a half thousand species of plants brought here from all over the planet grow in it. The five grandiose-beautiful galleries have both colorful, exotic seaweed, tropical strawberries and guava, and the rarest star-fruit, and tree bamboo, and rare alpine mosses, and tree-hors, and fern tree.

Another of the most cozy and favorite places of the park is the "Japanese Tea Garden", it is always flooded with tourists. This is a complex complex complex of beautiful sculptures and bridges, paths and water bodies. Magnificent Japanese garden with streams. Here you can buy tea, cookies and truly relax, contemplating the rigor and beauty of the Japanese style.

In another corner of this bizarre Golden Gate Park, we seem to be getting into Holland, with its windmills serving water in the park. On huge lawns you can play football or just relax. Fascinating lakes and ponds make you want to go fishing or just ride a boat. Rowing boats can be rented on the northwest side of Lake Stow. Artificially made waterfall flows into the lake from a hill.

Music zone - an open-air platform where musical performances are held. The central element is the Temple of Music". The site is decorated with statues and skillfully planted trees.

In addition, Golden Gate Park has many other interesting areas, such as Shakespeare Garden, Bible Garden, Chale Park and others. Walking in the park you will meet not only a variety of statues and architectural compositions, but also representatives of the animal world.

Great playground with attractions and entertainment programs. Cycling lanes and roller platforms where the necessary equipment can be rented. In the park you can not only relax, but also engage in your favorite sport on specially equipped venues: golf, basketball, tennis, handball. It has many museums, beautiful green spaces, and in addition, there are aviaries with animals and romantic corners for those who want to be alone with their thoughts.

Today, « Golden Gate » is the third largest city park in the United States. When you admire all the beauties of the park, you simply can’t believe that 300 years ago, there were sand dunes unsuitable for housing.

Golden Gate Park Golden Gate Park Golden Gate Park Golden Gate Park Golden Gate Park Golden Gate Park
Golden Gate Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 37.768408
Longitude: -122.482109


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