Lake Natron

In northern Tanzania, near the border with Kenya, there is a salt lake called Natron. It is located between the hills, the cause of which is the eruption of volcanoes. Natron Lake is located at the lowest point in eastern Africa.

Lake Natron

Natron Lake has not a very large depth, which does not exceed three meters. Its coastal zone often changes, which is facilitated by the time of year, as well as the water level. The water temperature in the lake is quite high, in some places, usually wet, can reach 60 degrees Celsius.

The bribe of Lake Natron is carried out thanks to the course of the Evaso Ngiro River, as well as to hot mineral springs. Here, water evaporation processes are quite high, which leave behind, in addition to a large amount of salt, minerals, which includes sodium carbonate.

Lake Natron

Natron Lake has places where evaporation is very fast. This hearth has a dark red hue, since microorganisms that love salt begin to bloom at this time. For the same reason, even a crust of salt on the surface of the water of Lake Natron is painted.

The sufficiently high temperature of the water in the lake, as well as its saline content, are not suitable conditions for wildlife in this area. But such a habitat is indispensable for magnificent flamingos, as well as invertebrates and fish that are adapted to salt water. In the waters of Lake Natron, some types of algae also feel great. But not all animals and birds have adapted to such conditions, many when they enter the water die, and are quickly covered with a layer of salt, forming frightening salt statues.

The warm salt water of the lake is an indispensable medium of alkaline telopias, which are presented here in two forms, which are endemic. Natron Lake is simply an indispensable place for the flamingo population, which in this area are in an especially rare form – small. The salty warm environment in which these beautiful birds live and multiply does not fit predatory animals that would not mind eating eggs from their nests.

The local area does not greatly contribute to tourist trips, because the surrounding area is quite dry and dusty. But travelers who still dared on such an unusual tour will have a reward, since only here there is the opportunity to witness such a dramatic and ominous landscape.

Lake Natron Lake Natron Lake Natron Lake Natron Lake Natron Lake Natron
Lake Natron - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -2.416667
Longitude: 36


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