Coca Castle

Coca Castle – is a truly strong and powerful fortress that was erected in Spain in the middle of the 15th century. The castle was built during the reign of Enrique the Fourth Castille, the Spaniards themselves. Its appearance is simply charming and has a resemblance to a magnificent Arab palace, and not to a formidable protective structure. Coca Castle is located in the Spanish city of Coca, which belongs to the province of Segovia, which is located in the middle of the country.

Coca Castle

The architecture of Coca Castle is filled with Arabic elements with fortifications. This fortress belongs to the main examples of the mudekhar style of a given country, which is characterized by various modeling patterns, as well as a horseshoe arch.

The material for the construction of both Coca Castle and other Arab structures in Spain was a white brick, which at that time was much cheaper than, for example, a stone. His proportions are very competent and scrupulously selected, and the construction itself is so high quality that the castle is in excellent condition in our time.

Coca Castle

The decoration of the castle is quite thought out. The architects achieved an amazing effect using the color color of the outer walls. A magnificent coating, similar to polygonal towers, is also present on the walls, which gives them a wave-shaped look.

There are columns in the castle that embellish the upper part of the bastions, and within the walls themselves you can observe not a small number of loopholes, which are designed for various weapons.

As historical data tells us, at a time when the castle was being built, not only its walls were strengthened, but the whole city, which was surrounded by double especially strong walls, as well as a deep moat. To this day, only the gates, as well as some sections with wall debris, have come from the ancient city fortification.

You can visit Coca Castle daily at a certain time, since the entrance to its territory is open for tourists only a couple of hours a day. To date, the state has the right to use the castle, but it is owned by private individuals, namely – of the Spanish family Alba.

Coca Castle Coca Castle Coca Castle Coca Castle Coca Castle Coca Castle
Coca Castle - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 41.215278
Longitude: -4.525556


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