Cave of Altamira

Altamira Cave – is a delightful attraction that belongs to Spain. Located near Santillana del Mar in Cantabria, the cave gained its popularity due to the amazing polychrome stone painting, which dates back to the Paleolithic era. Since 1985, this find has been protected by the world heritage of UNESCO.

Cave of Altamira

This area is known among many tourists who are happy to visit it. Altamir Cave was found in 1869, and wall paintings were discovered during its study about ten years after its discovery. But at that time, the technique did not allow to determine their originality, because the paintings were so well preserved that they were mistaken for false ones.

After several years, during which constant research of this find was conducted, nevertheless, scientists were able to prove their authenticity.

Cave of Altamira

The local paintings belong to ancient people who inhabited this territory close to 32 thousand years ago. It must be said that the drawings are quite detailed and very successfully fit into the relief of the rocky surface, with which they produce the effect of a three-dimensional image. Here you can see the painted handsome deer, which has the dimensions of two meters in height. For the opinion of scientists, this drawing served to attract living, something like a temple where believers prayed for a successful hunt. They admit that in this way the world religion began to emerge.

Arriving at Altamira Cave, you will certainly be pleased with these amazing paintings on the walls, you can appreciate the ability of ancient people to paint. This place is always good and warm weather, which allows you to have a great time surrounded by nature.

Scientists have proven that the drawings that belong to the caves of Altamir and El Castillo are among the oldest in all of Europe. They claim that the age of work is close to 40,000 years, which is as much as 4 thousand older than similar figures that belong to France. French wall paintings have long been considered the oldest on the planet. The age of amazing paintings in the cave of Altamir was determined using the latest methods and technologies, which were successfully used in practice by a group of archaeologists led by Alistair Pike. They conducted research using the study of thorium and uranium isotopes. This method, which has successfully established itself in practice, is of tremendous value for such experiments, with which we learn a lot about the life of our ancestors.

Cave of Altamira Cave of Altamira Cave of Altamira Cave of Altamira Cave of Altamira Cave of Altamira
Cave of Altamira - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 43.3825
Longitude: -4.120278


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