Alignment Pillars

A unique natural monument of the Alienation Pillar is placed on the Manpupuner plateau, considered the pearl of the Urals. In the language of the local inhabitants of the Alignment Column, « The small mountain of idols » is indicated, since they revered these places as saints and worshiped them. Raising up the local population was a great sin. It was believed that spirits lived here, and only shamans were allowed to come closer. The second name of the creation of nature – « Manxian boobies ».

Alignment Pillars

For more than 200 million years, high mountains have risen on the plateau, which, under the influence of natural conditions, have experienced significant damage. Softer breeds were destroyed by weathering, from where their name is. Only hard sericito quartzite shales have reached our times.

In total, there are 7 pillars from 30 to 42 meters high, which rise to heaven on the bare Manpupuner plateau. They are clearly visible even from afar. These geological formations of a wide variety of forms and outlines, depending on the viewing angle, resemble the figure of a person, or a horse or other animal.

Alignment Pillars

Six of them leveled in a row above the cliff, and the seventh, up to 34 meters high, rises separately from the side. Its shape is associated with a bottle turned upside down. With the advent of these pillars, many legends are associated with the local population – indigenous mansi, Komi and Russians.

The type of terrain varies dramatically depending on the time of year. The most beautiful Alienation Pillars are in winter. At this time, the pillars covered with snow, white, look like crystal. In autumn, during the times of fog, the eyes of the outline are fascinated, drawing through the haze.

Getting to them is not so simple, because the Wandering Pillars on the Manpupuner Plateau are quite far from the inhabited places. Before deciding on such an unusual journey, you need to weigh the pros and cons, because on the way, 200 km long, tourists are waiting along with pleasant impressions for strong gusts of wind, rains and fogs, since the weather in the tundra is unpredictable and harsh. Initially, only trained athletes and various scientific expeditions could take the plateau. Especially for tourists who do not have the slightest experience in such conditions, but who want to see the Seventh Miracle of Russia, they began to organize tours by helicopter. Before visiting the reserve, you need to get permission from the director by writing an application and paying an environmental fee.

Having overcome all the difficulties of traveling, the whole beauty of nature, mixed with some mysticism, opens up in the eye. All are filled with peace and positive energy.

Alignment Pillars Alignment Pillars Alignment Pillars Alignment Pillars Alignment Pillars Alignment Pillars
Alignment Pillars - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 62.2579
Longitude: 59.298


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