Akershus Fortress

Akershus Fortress – is an ancient structure located in Oslo, the capital of Norway. The castle was laid by King Hakon V somewhere in 1290. The fortress was built on a large scale, sparing no money or materials. At the end of the work, Akershus Fortress turned into the most powerful Norwegian structure.

Akershus Fortress

There are several versions in which the mysteries of such an uncloser location of the fortress from the city are revealed, because ancient Oslo was located behind several bays and islands from the fortress building. The first version is that the king was surrounded by conspirators who attempted him and to protect himself and his family, he decided to build a castle away from the city, but at the same time, keep him under control. The second option, which is more believable –, is to protect the capital from external enemies.

At that time, all Scandinavian buildings were erected from wood and earth, and Akershus Fortress is the first building with stone.

Akershus Fortress

The very first time the fortress repelled the attack in 1308, the Swedish Duke Eric Knutsson, who after some time became king of Sweden. Until 1527, the fortress stood and performed all its direct duties, but the construction burned to the ground from the lightning that struck it.

After 10 years, a new castle was erected from materials from a dismantled abbey on the neighboring island of Oslo, which had an even better view from the previous one.

In 1624, Oslo burns in a fire, and by order of the king, the construction of a new city begins at the walls of the fortress themselves.

Akershus Fortress withstands the latest blockade in 1716. Since 1811, the barracks of the underground part of the castle began to be used to contain prisoners. In the 20th century, the castle had such a ruined appearance that local authorities at the next meeting decided on the complete demolition of it, and use this place for the capital market. But, in 1905, when Norway became independent of Sweden, they began to save this historically valuable architecture of the country. Work on the restoration of the fortress went on until 1976.

During World War II, there was a Gestapo in the fortress. At the very walls of the castle were shot by the faces of the Norwegian resistance.

Restoration work is still underway in the Akershus fortress. The fortress complex houses the state ministry of defense, museums. On the territory of the castle there is a territory that is reserved for the royal acropolis.

Akershus Fortress Akershus Fortress Akershus Fortress Akershus Fortress Akershus Fortress Akershus Fortress

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Akershus Fortress - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 59.906606
Longitude: 10.736178


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