Bagni San Filippo

The resort of Bagni San Filippo is located almost in the center of Italy, between Rome and Florence - in Tuscany, in the province of Siena. It attracts guests with amazing thermal springs. It is believed that their waters help with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory organs, nervous system.

Bagni San Filippo

Conventionally, Bagni San Filippo can be divided into two parts: wild and "civilized".

The natural part of Bagni San Filippo

Bagni San Filippo is a small chain of hot springs. Tourists usually do not get to the sources themselves, and walk along the banks of streams. Warm streams flow through the forest, in some places joining into small pools. You can swim in them at any time of the year.

Bagni San Filippo

Water flows down from the mountains, forming beautiful waterfalls. Due to the high salt content, karst growths appear on the rocks. These mineral deposits (stalactites, stalagmites, calcite draperies) have a bizarre shape and attract tourists no less than the healing waters themselves.

The water in the sources of Bagni San Filippo has an average temperature of 38 to 52 degrees (the higher in the mountains, the warmer). It contains practically no oxygen, but is rich in sulfites, talc and sulfur. Because of this, the color of the water is cloudy, with a turquoise tint, and it has a pronounced smell of hydrogen sulfide. Bathing in Bagni San Filippo has a strong effect on the body: after the procedures, people's pulse quickens and blood pressure decreases.

The Baths of Bagni San Filippo have been used by people for centuries. They were discovered by the ancient Romans. And later, the warm springs attracted the attention of Christians: according to legend, it was there that Filippo Benici came to pray. The resort is also popular among modern residents of Tuscany (usually there are more local vacationers than tourists). But the Italians are in no hurry to completely ennoble the natural object. In the "wild" part of Bagni San Filippo, there are no changing rooms or gazebos. Only a trodden forest path - and beautiful nature around.

Spa Terme San Filippo

Those who do not want to climb mountains can use the services of the Terme San Filippo Spa Hotel. It is located nearby, in a tiny village of the same name. The main object in this hotel is a large swimming pool filled with healing thermal water. This is the same water flowing from natural sources, its temperature is 40 degrees. To swim, it is not necessary to rent a hotel room. You can pay only access to the pool and its infrastructure (10-12 euros depending on the season). Also in Terme San Filippo you can take a mud bath, take a course of therapeutic inhalations or relax with standard spa treatments.

How to get to Bagni San Filippo

There are two ways to get to Bagni San Filippo: by car and by train. In the first case, you should move along the A1 highway. The exit is marked with signs "Monte Amiata", "Abbadia San Salvatore" and "Chianciano Terme". You can travel by train from Florence or Rome. The station is called Chiusi-Chianciano. It is about 30 kilometers from Bagni San Filippo - you can overcome them by regular bus or taxi.

Bagni San Filippo Bagni San Filippo Bagni San Filippo Bagni San Filippo Bagni San Filippo Bagni San Filippo
Bagni San Filippo - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 42.9291777
Longitude: 11.6997022


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