Military History Museum in Budapest

The Military History Museum in Budapest is located in the southeast wing of the Royal Palace. It shows how unique and fascinating the country's history is. The exhibits reflect the valor of the state. Opening date: 1894, the institution is located under the roof of a former barracks and continues to be of interest to both local residents and tourists.

Military History Museum in Budapest

History of the Military History Museum in Budapest

The museum was erected in the mid-19th century in a former military barracks, which was located in Buda Castle. As a museum, this building opened its doors to guests at the beginning of the 20th century. The first exhibition of the museum included various guns, cannons, sabers, as well as various coats of arms of the regiments of the Hungarian troops. To better understand the meaning of a particular exhibit, it is recommended to first familiarize yourself with the history of Hungary.

Features of the Military History Museum in Budapest

The museum's collection consists of more than 30 thousand exhibits, which are located on several floors of this barracks. The collection includes paintings by famous Hungarian authors, coins and uniforms, as well as various weapons from the times of various wars that repeatedly took place on Hungarian soil. Separate halls of the museum are dedicated to two world wars, where Hungary took an active part and acted as an ally of Germany in World War II. Various weapons, some archival documents, as well as military clothing are presented here. In the courtyard of the Military History Museum in Budapest there are a large number of artillery pieces, as well as a large number of old howitzers, some of which served in the Napoleonic Wars.

Military History Museum in Budapest

The Military History Museum in Budapest is one of the popular attractions in Hungary, where you can see many different unique exhibits that took part in military operations. Some of the exhibits were even purchased by the Military History Museum in Budapest so that local residents and tourists coming to the city of Budapest could admire the country's military history.

Military History Museum in Budapest Military History Museum in Budapest Military History Museum in Budapest Military History Museum in Budapest Military History Museum in Budapest Military History Museum in Budapest
Military History Museum in Budapest - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 47.495278
Longitude: 19.040556


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