Heviz Lake

The Lake, which works wonders, is located in wonderful Hungary, in the middle of the city of Heviz, which is not far from Budapest. About the healing properties of Lake Heviz, there are simply legends. In addition, this largest biologically active thermal pond is located among the wonderful nature.

Heviz Lake

The hot Hungarian Lake Heviz found its place at the very entrance to the city line, in the middle of a wonderful plane park. The dimensions of the pond simply inspire, because its area is 47 hectares, and the depth reaches 36 meter level. The lake water is updated very quickly, as this process occurs in just 28 hours. The lake is not alive, but the impeccable blue smoothness is decorated with magnificent lotuses. In summer, the temperature of lake water can be kept at around 40 ° C, and in winter - 27 ° C. The warm water of the lake attracts vacationers all year round. The lake has an amazing chemical composition, thanks to which water does not allow any harmful bacteria to develop. The lake also has a calming effect on the human nervous system, which is explained by the presence of magnesium in the water, which is responsible for stress resistance. Swimming in Lake Heviz is very beneficial for blood circulation, internal organs, joints, in addition, it affects the skin, which rejuvenates. Among vacationers, there is a joke that grandmothers who bathe in the waters of Hevis gradually turn into girls.

For vacationers of the lake complex, a choice is given to swim in the open air or in special pavilions. All conditions are created here, even for people with motor problems. People suffering from spinal disease also come here, who are treated according to a specially developed technique in a vertical position under water.

Heviz Lake

Children under 14 years old are not allowed to swim in thermal lake waters, and adults can stay in the water for no more than one hour a day, taking breaks between water procedures for at least 30 minutes.

Everyone can consult with specialists from the hospital who will prescribe a course of special treatment using the thermal waters of Lake Heviz.

Heviz Lake Heviz Lake Heviz Lake Heviz Lake Heviz Lake Heviz Lake
Heviz Lake - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 46.787222
Longitude: 17.193056


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