Esterházy Palace

Esterházy Palace is located in western Hungary in the city of Ferter. He was erected by representatives of the princely family of Esterhazi. Initially, in 1720 a small hunting castle was built. But after the inheritance passed into the hands of Miklos Esterhazi, work began on the reconstruction of the structure. The prince often visited France, and caught fire with the desire to build a semblance of Versailles.

Esterházy Palace

In 1760-1767, the building was expanded and reconstructed, completely changing the inner and appearance of the castle. The result of many years of work was the creation of an architectural gem in the Baroque style. Due to its luxury, beauty and grandeur, the Esterhazi Palace was second to « Hungarian Versailles ».

In the courtyard there were opera and puppet theaters, a music house and a church. On the territory of the castle they broke a magnificent park with trees cut in the form of pyramids, and installed fountains. At the end of the park there was an artificial waterfall.

Esterházy Palace

The construction was increased by extensions and decorated with many elements. The windows of the upper floor were made in the form of a cello. There were 126 rooms in the palace, each of which was distinguished by its beauty and style. The most impressive beauty was the Banquet Hall, the main decoration of which was the image of Apollo on the ceiling, figures symbolizing the season were placed in the corners of the room.

On the ceiling of the largest castle room - Terran's Halls are the angels with the letter « E », symbolizing the initial letter of the princely surname. A book indicating the name of the owners has a library where more than 22,000 volumes of books are located.

In a separate two-story house lived and created by composer Joseph Haydn, who wrote hundreds of symphonies to the prince.

The whole elite of the society gathered in Esterhazi Castle for magnificent receptions, opera and concert performances. But after the death of Prince Miklos, starting in 1790, the castle was abandoned and gradually began to lose its brilliance. During World War II, the building was badly damaged, valuable items and furniture were lost and stolen. In 1957, the castle was restored, the park was put in order, and the interior was partially restored. To date, one part of Esterhazi Castle acts as a museum, and the other as a hotel. In the museum you can learn about the life and work of composer Joseph.

At the main entrance of the palace, forged gates, which are art of the 18th century, are delighted. In summer, festivals are held dedicated to the memory of composer Joseph Haydn.

You can plunge into the atmosphere of past centuries and enjoy the perception of the beauty of the Esterhazi Palace on any day of the week except Monday.

Esterházy Palace Esterházy Palace Esterházy Palace Esterházy Palace Esterházy Palace Esterházy Palace
Esterházy Palace - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 47.620556
Longitude: 16.871667


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