Black forest

The Black Forest is a mountain range located in southwestern Germany. It is almost completely covered with coniferous trees, so it is clearly visible even from afar. It is this picturesque corner that is the "heart" of the famous resort of Baden-Baden, which annually gathers thousands of tourists from different countries.

Black forest

Features of the Black Forest

The Black Forest mountain range has a very impressive length, occupying a significant part of the free space along the Rhine valley. The mountains of the Black Forest are densely covered with beech, pine and other conifers, so they visually resemble hills, although this effect is somewhat deceptive. Moreover, Mount Feldberg (1493 meters) is the highest point in Germany, if you do not take into account the Alps.

As for the size of the Black Forest massif, its length is 158 km, and the maximum width is 60 km. The western slopes, directed towards the Rhine, are considered the highest and most covered, although there are different sections. Sometimes the mountains just gently rise up, forming unique natural terraces. Such observation platforms allow tourists to fully enjoy the beauty of local attractions.

Black forest

Water area and climate

Few people know that it is in the Black Forest that the Danube, one of the most majestic rivers in Europe, is born. Near the small town of Donaueschingen, several mountain streams converge, forming a powerful water stream. Local residents even erected a monument to somehow perpetuate their natural attraction.

The Triberg waterfall on the Gutach River also deserves special attention. It is generally accepted that this font heals many ailments, not inferior in efficiency to mineral lakes. Even the ancient Romans extracted water from springs, trying to get a unique medicine. Such actions of our ancestors were fully justified, since biologically active substances were well absorbed by the body, giving a person an additional supply of strength and energy.

The climate of the Black Forest complements the overall concept of the resort, which is aimed at achieving maximum comfort. In summer, you can hide from the exhausting heat in the shade of coniferous trees, and in winter you can calmly survive the cold. Rain in the Black Forest is rare, as are gusty winds. As a result, fresh air, saturated with negatively charged ions, completely kills all harmful bacteria, which has a positive effect on travelers' well-being. Thus, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the resort has become widely known throughout the world.

Black forest Black forest Black forest Black forest Black forest Black forest
Black forest - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 48.5833
Longitude: 8.45


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