Abu Simbel

Abu Simbel is one of the historical monuments located in Egypt, on one of the banks of the Nile River. It was erected in the second half of the era of the New Kingdom. This temple is easy to recognize from the hefty statues of Pharaoh, which are at his entrance. Even in the early 19th century, this miraculous structure of the ancient Egyptians was damaged among the desert. And only in 1813 he was discovered by the Swiss scientist Johann Ludwig Burkhardt. Great work was done to unearth this temple. Today it is presented to tourists as a rock on the banks of the Nile, in which two temples are carved, where Ramses II ( 1298-1213 rules. BC ). This find is located in Nubia and is very visited among tourists.

Abu Simbel

This impressive Abu Simbel Temple is represented by two structures: the Great Temple, which belongs to Pharaoh Ramses II, as well as the gods Amon, Ptah, Ra-Khorahte and the Small Temple – created in the name of the goddess Hator, where her face is executed in the form of the wife of Ramses II Nefertari-Merenmouth.

Due to the fact that in the 1950s the construction of the Aswan Hydroelectric Power Station was organized on this territory, this cathedral was studied in detail by 50 countries of the world. A difficult task was set to preserve the well-known monument of art, which resulted in its transfer in parts to a hill. This world action took place for 4 years under the protection of UNESCO.

Abu Simbel

The hall of the Abu Simbel Temple is on its eastern side. In its first hall, columns and pillars and eight sculptures of the pharaoh were built, in the form of a deity. The walls and ceiling of these halls are generously decorated with paintings, which are the best works of those times. The embossed embossed walls will tell us about history. After passing the second hall, you can get into the sanctuary, where the sculptures of the gods are located, as well as the pharaoh himself, which amaze visitors with their portrait resemblance.

The small temple, which was erected in the name of the Goddess Hator, looks simpler. His ceremonial facade embellishes several figures in full growth. Here are sculptures of Pharaoh Ramses II, as well as his halves Nefertati-Merenmouth. On the column you can see the inscription that says that Ramses, this is a divine dwelling, built Nefertari for his wife.

The Abu Simbel Temple is evidence that the ancient Egyptian architects possessed very deep knowledge. They put into practice knowledge of the natural qualities of the soil. They mixed sand with iron oxide, as a result of which they received layers that are almost non-decompassing. In addition, such a procedure gave the stone various tones of pink and red shades.

This is the landmark of Egypt, which was protected from flooding during the construction of the dam.  When mixed, the temple was sawn into blocks of 30 tons and transported 200 meters further from the river and 65 meters above its previous position. Abu Simbel is a pilgrimage site for travelers of the entire planet. This monument of art also exists as evidence that humanity is able to work miracles.

Abu Simbel Abu Simbel Abu Simbel Abu Simbel Abu Simbel Abu Simbel
Abu Simbel - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 22.336944
Longitude: 31.625556


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