
Baconao National Park – is a unique area located near the province of Santiago de Cuba in Cuba itself. The territory of the park can be seen in one day if you use a car. A feature of the Baconao Park is the famous valley, where sculptures of prehistoric animals, as well as the oldest people, take place.


The name of the park is often associated with the name of the aborigine, which belonged to the pre-Hispanic tribes and lived in the area. This young man bewitched a tree called « bacon », which made it possible to play music on shells.

All traditions of the area originate from the time of the discovery of Cuba.


Wonderful mountain landscapes, sea beaches, as well as magnificent nature make this Cuban region simply unforgettable.

In the Baconao Nature Reserve, travelers are given small peasant structures that characterize the rural area of the region. These are characteristic Cuban buildings with straw roofs « bohio », as well as peculiar furniture.

A very exciting tourist route on horses, which is carried out directly among nature and includes an excursion to the ruins of ancient coffee sites. Here, thanks to the remnants of the drying, one can imagine how ancient people dried coffee. Traces of the colonial cemetery and mansion were also preserved here. All this creates a secret atmosphere filled with the history of mankind.

The highlight of the Baconau Park is the Valley of the Background where, like the living, stone ancient animals are located. These huge, natural prehistoric dinosaurs look both real and just magical.

The aquarium is very curious, where the inhabitants of the sea waters of Cuban territory are presented for review. We are always happy to dispel longing and relieve fatigue here dolphins and seals, demonstrating the most magnificent show. In Baconao Park, there is an opportunity to see the inhabitants of the marine environment in natural conditions. This exciting tour will help to implement a submarine tunnel, the length of which is 30 meters.

The park also has a wonderful museum that will interest transport lovers. The exhibits of the Museum of Ground Transport are more than 2000 cars that have a miniature view. The museum also has a wonderful retro car exhibition.

Baconao Park tourists can stay at one of the local hotels. At their service are local restaurants where you can always dine with national Cuban dishes. Among the wide variety of food, you can choose a traditional menu, which includes « oriental congri », specifically fried pork, as well as a cup of aromatic coffee, over an old recipe.

Baconao Baconao Baconao Baconao Baconao Baconao
Baconao - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 19.901944
Longitude: -75.462778


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