Zhangye Danxia

The colored rocks of Zhangye Danxia are simply amazing mountain ranges that belong to China. These enchanting formations in the middle of Gansu province – the dream of any photographer. The components of the Jiane Danxia rainbow rocks are mainly red sandstones, which refer to the Cretaceous period.

Zhangye Danxia

Thanks to the studies of various researchers, a picture of their occurrence is emerging. They claim that about 100 million years ago, a huge indoor pool was laid on this site, where a large amount of sludge from the circle was brought with water. During global warming, this area was drained, and the precipitate itself was oxidized and acquired a shade of rust.

More than 70 million years ago, the Rocks of Zhangye Danxia acquired a red layer, the dimensions of which are 3700 meters. This layer is located among the so-called chalk bed, since it belongs to this period. Since that time, the formation of the mountains has not stopped, they have repeatedly changed their landscape, various slopes and slits have arisen here.

Zhangye Danxia

Scientists have repeatedly conducted various examinations here, according to the results of which the Color Rocks of Zhangye Danxia, all also continue their formation at a speed of about 0.87 meters in 10 thousand years. This trend of change has been observed over the past 500 thousand years.

These multi-colored slopes of Zhangye Danxia are visited by more and more tourists every year. The town of Zhenje is not at all rich in attractions, it is doing everything possible to increase the flow of travelers to this area. For the convenience of tourists, many boarded flooring was built here, and roads were built. Travelers who have chosen this area are full of emotions, because such a natural picture can not be met anywhere else. These huge multi-colored rocks are simply amazing. The World Heritage Committee, which in 2010 included this natural attraction in the UNESCO list, did not pass by.

Zhangye Danxia Zhangye Danxia Zhangye Danxia Zhangye Danxia Zhangye Danxia Zhangye Danxia
Zhangye Danxia - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 38.9372222
Longitude: 100.0788888


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