Mount Fitz Roy

Mount Fitz Roy is located in Patagonia, an area that is border between Chile and Argentina. This mountain has other names: Cerro Chalten, as well as Cerro Fitzroy. Moreover, her second name: « Chalten » in the Teuelche language means « a crumpled mountain », which is quite suitable for the peak of Fitzroy due to the fact that the peak is almost constantly shrouded in clouds that are very similar to smoke, from the outside.

Mount Fitz Roy

History of Fitsroy Peak

The first traveler to see and describe the peak is Francisco Moreno, who did so in March 1877. It was he who decided to ignore the name "Chalten", invented by the natives, and gave the peak a new name, perpetuating for centuries Robert Fitzroy, who explored Patagonia. But the story of her conquest is very difficult, until the middle of the 20th century no one could curb this peak, although many climbers tried to do it, which was attracted to her as if by the most real magnet. Mount Fitzroy was conquered by man only in 1952, when two Frenchmen climbed to its top: Guido Manion and Lionel Terrai. After that, the mountain was conquered many more times, but not enough for the top of such a height. All because many sections of the – mountain are granite rocks, and also because of weather conditions under which you can conquer the peak of Fitzroy. The main number of successful conquests of the peak was made immediately after the French, until the 1960s.

Information for tourists

According to the stories of those who have been at the foot of the mountain at least once, it is never forgotten, striking others with beauty and royal majesty. The clouds constantly, then float at the peak, then retreat, leaving a slight haze. The most popular tourist routes are the departing routes from El Chalten. On the mountain, in addition to the main peak, there are peaks that are simpler to ascend. Such simpler ascents and attract the least ambitious climbers who conquered « their peak Fitzroy » can enjoy a view of the impregnable peak.

Mount Fitz Roy

In addition, when visiting the Fitsroy peak, it must be borne in mind that it is located in the Los Glasiares National Park, the entrance to which is paid. But for permission to climb the mountain is no longer required, although it will also be necessary to receive it.

The most suitable time for conquering Mount Fitzroy is December-February, when summer comes in the southern hemisphere. It is during this period that the weather in the area of the peak is more less established, and the expectation of suitable weather is significantly reduced than in other months.

Mount Fitz Roy Mount Fitz Roy Mount Fitz Roy Mount Fitz Roy Mount Fitz Roy Mount Fitz Roy
Mount Fitz Roy - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -49.2714
Longitude: -73.0433


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