Mountain Lu

Mount Lou - the National Park of China, standing in the province of Jiangsi in the territory of 300 km 2 . On Mount Lou, picturesque samples of the culture of China, such as Taoist and Buddhist temples, the school of neoconfucianism Zhu Si ("Grotto of the White Deer") are built. All buildings are remarkably combined with the amazing beauty of the local nature, showing the unity of the Chinese national spirit and cultural life with the natural lanshaft of the mountains. In 1996, the terrain was listed in the UNESCO World Heritage Lists.

Mountain Lu

History of the park

The mountains were first mentioned in the chipsi's annals 2000 years ago. In the mountain ridge, there are over 100 mountains, the most famous of which Chancofen, Shuanjianfen, Hanpolin and the highest mountain here Dahanyanfan (1474 m). In addition to the mountains, Lou Park is known for its waterfalls: Shimenjian, Kaysyan, Sandetsuan. On the south side of the mountain are washed by the lake of ovanhu. In the National Park, Mount Lu is quite cool, because of which there are almost 200 days a year of the mountains are shrouded in fogs, leave the current on yourself the most elevated peaks.

Since ancient times, Mount Lou call the mountains of celestials. Once they studied witchcraft here, and with the advent of Taoism and the spread of Buddhism, the monks began to flock here and in the search for students. For more than eight hundred years from the eastern Jin dynasty (317-420) to the North Sun (960-1127) in the mountains of Lou erected dozens of temples and monasteries. Just during this period, Chinese Buddhism was actively developing.

Mountain Lu

The LU Mountains undead to themselves creative people who are looking for inspiration here, among the nickels were famous scientists and poets who wrote more than 4000 verses under the influence of mountains. Many cultural figures chose Lou Mountains as a refuge. To this day, the Bayludun school has been preserved, which was created by the Tan scientist Lee Bo (773-831), whose teachings greatly influenced the development of philosophy, literature, ethics, art of ancient China. Here he taught the neoconfucian of the Suna dynasty Zhu Si (1130-1200). Over time, the school has become one of the most important centers of the feudal education of China.

Since the 1880s, these places have flooded important faces, merchants and priests from around the world. In the mountains, they built their resorts and cottages. In less than half a century, hundreds of beautiful architectural structures were erected along the slopes of the mountains. And the pilgrimage of Chinese and foreign tourists raised to a new level a summer cottage town in the mountains of Lou.

The variety of cultures

In the buildings of the Lu Park, several cultures were mixed, which in other places would not look so harmonious. Among hundreds of buildings are the Roman and Gothic temples, buildings built in the Byzantine style, Japanese houses and even Muslim mosques. Mountain nature emphasizes the rich cultural heritage of these mountains. Sinopal paths, mountains, thick virgin forests, impenetrable fogs add to the local landscapes of mysticism.

Cave of immortality is one of the main attractions of Lushan. This is a room with a spring inside at the top of the mountain, in which the Taoist monks built a small temple, placing inside the altar and writing sacred letters on the walls. As they say in legend - then when the fire -breath dragon gave Lui Dunbin a sacred sword. With this sword, a bold monk struck many demons and consequences became one of the 8 immortal.

During the reign of the Sun dynasty, the Neo -Kutsian Academy Baile Dong was built. Here they taught metaphysical aspects of the concept of neoconfucianism.

At the foot of Mount Mountain, there is an interesting gift of nature-Ozero Easyn, which is the largest natural reservoir with fresh water in China. On it you can see hundreds of boats of fishermen and tourists, and even larger flocks of birds.

Mountain Lu Mountain Lu Mountain Lu Mountain Lu Mountain Lu Mountain Lu
Mountain Lu - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 29.5725
Longitude: 115.973333


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