Lena pillars

Lena pillars – are geological formations of steep cliffs that form the basis of a natural national park of the same name, located on the banks of the Lena River in Yakutia with a length of more than 40 kilometers. The height of the rocks in places reaches 100 meters with the various outlines themselves. Lena pillars, today, are the national park of Russia with an area of 4850 km2.

Lena pillars

The reserve was created in 1995, and exactly a year later it was included in the list of the most wonderful places on the planet. The Lensky Pillar Park area covers formed rocks of Cambrian limestone, desert landscape areas, as unique permafrost ecosystems, areas with scattered sand called sand-tukulan. An integral part of the park are picturesque forests.

The complex of vertically elongated rocks was formed more than 500 million years ago under the influence of atmospheric phenomena and is presented to us in the form of pillars, rocks, Gothic cathedrals, towers and caves, in the shape of a palm. They are also called the Stone Forest. A variety of forms develops human imagination, you can see various figures of fairy-tale characters, animals. One of the rocks was called from the locals « man-stone » because of his resemblance to a person in a thoughtful pose. They are especially beautiful at sunrise, when the rocks are highlighted, and become like gold-covered castles.

Lena pillars

On the territory of the reserve Lensky pillars there are many rare birds and animals: small swan, stucco, eagle, golden eagle, as well as more famous ones - sable, brown bears, proteins, chipmills. The local flora has more than twenty plants listed in the Red Book, and two of them are not found anywhere else in the world.

On the lands of the park were discovered the remains of mammoths and bison, as well as traces of ancient human life. This is evidenced by the excavation of the ancient instrument of labor, and the designation of various information about ancient life by paint on the rocks. There are drawings on the rocks with groups of images, inscriptions of ancient Turkic writing. All of the above findings suggest that the first people appeared on the banks of the Lena River.

Today, the main task of the Lensky Pillars Park is the development of ecological tourism. This is a great place for those who love nature and new experiences. There are many ecological paths and routes that can be found with local attractions and admired the beauty of the park.

Lena pillars Lena pillars Lena pillars Lena pillars Lena pillars Lena pillars
Lena pillars - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 61.1293
Longitude: 127.518


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