Israel: attractions and places of interest

Church of the Holy Sepulcher

The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is located in the Christian quarter of Old Jerusalem. It is believed that this is where Jesus Christ was crucified, buried, and then miraculously resurrected. Every spring, the attention of most of the world's inhabitants is focused on the events taking place in the ...

Wall of Tears

The Western Wall has been a center of pilgrimage and prayer for many centuries. It is located in Jerusalem, its length is 57 meters and its height is 19 meters. There is a belief that if you make a wish here, it will definitely come true. Some people believe in it, and some don’t, but the place is c...

Grottoes of Rosh HaNikra

The Rosh HaNikra Grottoes are considered one of the most beautiful places on the planet, according to tourists. The complex is located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. This is a combination of clear, clean water and snow-white rocks. The tremors split the limestone ridge from the inside. The ...

Negev Desert

The Negev Desert occupies more than half of Israel, more precisely, we are talking about 60%. Only 10% of the total population lives here. The total area of the desert part of the country is 13 thousand square kilometers. It is divided into 4 parts: the northern Negev plateau, the Negev mountains, t...

Yadva Shem Museum

The Yadva Shem Museum is recognized as the second most visited tourist attraction, it is located on the western slope of Mount Herzl in Israel. The complex occupies 18 hectares, where the history of the Holocaust is reflected. Before the coronavirus pandemic, more than 1 million people from around t...

Dome of the Rock Mosque

The Dome of the Rock Mosque is also called Qubbat al-Sakhra. The religious shrine is located in Israel. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Recently, Muslims have allowed tourists to visit the temple, but in order to get there, it is necessary to respect the feelings of believers. The ...

Al Aqsa Mosque

The Al-Aqsa Mosque is considered the third most important shrine of Islam; Muslims from all over the world dream of visiting it. This is the second of the built "dwellings of Allah", which is recognized as a blessed place in Jerusalem. It is located on the Temple Mount in Israel. With a length of 80...

Mount of Olives

The Mount of Olives is also called the Mount of Olives, since in ancient times it was completely planted with olives. This hill is located in the east near one of the walls of Old Jerusalem. An important place for all believers; significant biblical events took place on this mountain. If you look fr...

Mount Hermon

Mount Hermon is recognized as a national treasure of Israel, it is part of the Anti-Lebanon mountain range. The highest peak is at an altitude of 2 kilometers 812 meters, it is controlled by the Syrian state. Israel owns only 7% of the southern mountainous area in the north of the state, which is 70...

Golan Heights

The Golan Heights joined Israel in 1981; their area is almost 2 thousand square kilometers. A mountain plateau of volcanic origin is considered a strategic object with a developed hydrogeographic network. River water flows into the Jordan and Lake Tiberias, which is one of the main sources of drinki...

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