
Brief description of the country

Chile is considered the southernmost country, it is located 900 kilometers from Antarctica. The state with an area of more than 756,000 square kilometers and a population of over 18 million people is located in South America and has access to the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

The country is located between the Andes and the Pacific Ocean, it is covered with volcanoes and hot springs. Along the coast is the Atacama Desert, which is one of the driest places on Earth. In the central part of Chile, you can see plains with islands of forests and lakes.

The official language is Spanish, the dialect spoken by Chileans is different from Castilian. The population likes to talk in slang, so even Spanish speakers can have problems understanding speech. You can speak English, almost all residents know it at a basic level.

December-February is considered a favorable period: it is warm outside, the water warms up for a comfortable temperature for swimming. Carnivals take place at the end of summer and beginning of winter. You can get acquainted with the customs and traditions of the population, try the national cuisine, which is dominated by dishes from vegetables and seafood.

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