Thor's well

The well of the Torah is a big deepening in the form of a well in the USA on Cape Perpetua. The coast is very peculiar and arose under the influence of huge flows of lava, which formed bottles, slits in the rocks.

Thor's well

The well of the Torah is famous for filling it with water during the high tide and throwing it up 5-6 meters. The most beautiful moment when the arriving waves begin to flood the well. This is where photographers who come here are waiting. For the convenience of visitors, a special observation deck was built. But this is not enough for many photographers and they try to approach the well as close as possible and, as a rule, all wet ones return after that.

Scientists believe that the well of the Torah was formed as a result of volcanic activity. The entire coast consists of frozen lava flows. At 250 km there is even a functioning St. Helens volcano.

Thor's well

It is worth noting that all the water entering the Torah well seeps into underground caves. This creates the illusion that the well is bottomless and goes straight into the underworld, so the well is sometimes called the "Gateway of Hell".

Thor's well Thor's well Thor's well Thor's well Thor's well
Thor's well - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 44.28
Longitude: -124.11


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