Slope Point

Slope Point – is the area located in southern New Zealand. Here wonderful landscapes of rocky shores by the ocean open in the eye. But most tourists lure local trees here, which have a marvelous appearance. In the most calm weather, they look as if the strongest hurricane is leaning them against the ground. Photographs taken by travelers against such a background will certainly become the topic of a wonderful discussion with their friends.

Slope Point

The reason for such an unusual species of these plants in Slope Point is, of course, gusts of winds from the Antarctic side. They do not make it possible to grow exactly even the strongest trunks. Over time, the trees have adapted and grow in a curved position.

If you look at Cape Slope Point from a height, you might think that a severe hurricane is raging in this area.

Slope Point

Around Cape Slope Point is not crowded. About seven kilometers from the area live. Local residents are mainly engaged in farming. The closest settlement from Slope Point is a village called Waikawa, as well as the town of Haldane, which is located along the bay.

Getting to such an unusual attraction is not so easy, because more than one normal road does not lead to Slope Point. But, if you set yourself the goal of seeing this area with your own eyes, then you will need to overcome part of the path on foot. Enjoying the picturesque places, you will not notice how you find yourself in the curved trees of Cape Slope Point. The entire hiking route to this attraction is just a twenty minute walk.

Slope Point Slope Point Slope Point Slope Point Slope Point Slope Point
Slope Point - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -46.675386
Longitude: 169.00565


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