Mentawai Islands

The Mentawai Islands – is a set of islands located in Indonesia. These places are appreciated for their savagery, lack of civilization, including hotels, clubs, restaurants. This area is plundered by real connoisseurs of natural beauty, they run away from the bustle of the city.

Mentawai Islands

Mentauvai – is just a dream for surf lovers. The local waves, both dangerous and subject, are very often among professionals, in this sport, you can meet newcomers.

A meeting with the indigenous people is very interesting and informative for tourists on these islands, because they carefully protect both the traditions and the culture of their ancestors. Large coral reefs, strong winds and a fast current have become the main reason for isolating the local population from civilization until the 19th century.

Mentawai Islands

The most enormous islands of Mentavia, which number about 70, include Sipura, Siberut, Sibegau, North and South Pagai and others.

The entire territory of the islands is represented in the form of rainforest. There are unique animals here that can only be met on these lands. These include several types of gibbons and macaques.

Mostly the Mentawai Islands are reached by ferry, which runs from the port of Padang. Such a trip will last approximately 13 hours, in not quite comfortable conditions. You can also swim in 4-5 hours using a speed boat. The trip will also depend on a specific tourist operator. It should also be borne in mind that Indonesians are rather punctual. On the islands themselves, among the popular transport are boats that belong to private owners.

There is a hotel on the island of Muara Siberut, and there is also a shop and cafe. There are no roads in this town, which impedes travel.

Also, these wild islands of Mentawa can be visited as part of a tourist group, using the services of one of the tour operators. The tour will certainly be exciting, during which you will be able to observe the life of the rarest animals, taste the villages where the local population bred sago, catch fish, as well as their distant ancestors.

If you came to conquer the local waves, then at your service there are about 20 different surf campsites who will deliver travelers directly to the beach. Here, a simple walking walk, as well as diving and fishing, will be fascinating.

Mentawai Islands Mentawai Islands Mentawai Islands Mentawai Islands Mentawai Islands Mentawai Islands
Mentawai Islands - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -2.183333
Longitude: 99.65


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