Anjuna Beach

In the 60-70s of the last century, Anjuna beach became widely known as a place of international hangouts for hippies and youth. Later he became famous for his “trance” parties." A picturesque and bright place for everyone who is ready for fun and noisy parties until dawn.

Anjuna Beach

The length of the beach is almost 2 km along the sea, it is quite narrow. Anjuna Beach is not included in the list of the best attractions in Goa, but it is widely known all over the world. The coast is always crowded with vacationers. Although there are often sharp rocks underwater, and rainbow oily oil slicks often spread on the surface of the sea, this does not deter tourists. The party atmosphere of a non-stop party attracts like-minded people from different parts of the world.

Anjuna Beach stretches along the coast of the Arabian Sea in northern Goa, and is bustling with resort life. Cafes, bars and restaurants welcome visitors around the clock. It is never quiet here: neither day nor night. Cheerful youth, free and relaxed hippies, traveling musicians - the main contingent of Anjuna beach.

Anjuna Beach

The flea market is very popular, where you can buy anything you want. It is known as the "royal hippie market". Unique products presented on the market provide an opportunity to radically reincarnate, changing the image beyond recognition. Tattoo artists, piercers, hairdressers, and Ayurveda specialists work here.

In the 60s, the Portuguese colonialists left Goa, and an autonomous Indian state appeared on the map. The wonderful climate and warm sea, like a magnet, began to attract hippies. Many of them stayed to live in this piece of paradise forever.

In the 80s, a new direction in music was formed on the coast - “Goa-trance”. Millions of fans of the new musical movement became a headache for local authorities for several years. The use of psychotropic substances in huge quantities and the eternal noise forced the existing laws to be tightened. Currently, such parties are only allowed on Christmas and New Year. Local police are especially vigilant during these events.

The menu of numerous cafes and restaurants located on the coast necessarily includes several types of local beer, exotic liqueurs made from local fruits and, of course, fish and seafood dishes. It is not necessary to buy fruits - they can be picked directly from a palm tree growing nearby.

The beach season on Anjuna begins in November and ends in April. During the Christmas and New Year holidays, the flow of tourists increases many times over. Most tourists are convinced that Anjuna Beach is not very good for swimming, but it is not inferior to others in terms of safety. During the day, the situation on the beach is monitored by the rescue service. Fans of diving, snorkeling and other water sports will find exciting entertainment here. An elephant ride will bring delightful pleasure to both adults and children. It is interesting to watch the performances put on by snake charmers right on Anjuna Beach.

Every evening, tourists traditionally say goodbye to the sun. People in large groups sit on the shore, admire the stunning sea view at sunset and indulge in philosophical thoughts about life. The never-ending nightlife of Anjuna Beach is filled with fun parties. What event will be held and where will be held, local residents report. Who else, if not them, should be aware of all the upcoming parties! Particularly popular are “full moon parties” and trance parties.

Anjuna Beach Anjuna Beach Anjuna Beach Anjuna Beach Anjuna Beach
Anjuna Beach - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 155833
Longitude: 737333


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