Buda Castle

Buda Castle – is a magnificent building located in Budapest ( the capital of Hungary ). Previously, she was known as the Royal Palace, because at one time, there was a residence of the Hungarian kings. In 2002, Buddha Castle was added to the UNESCO list.

Buda Castle

Buda Castle simply delights representativeness. Since the 13th century, this structure has been inhabited by the most important persons of the country. He was repeatedly exposed to dangers, and was also destroyed more than once. But, despite this, this building is still considered one of the most important attractions of Hungary, and also serves as a decoration of its capital.

In the last months of World War II, Buda Castle has been completely destroyed. But, for good luck, ancient records and maps were kept here, thanks to which the labor-intensive work of specialists was carried out to completely restore this palace. Here was the reconstruction of the defensive walls, as well as the interior of the interior.

Buda Castle

By supplementing the already existing palace, which was the property of King Gigmond, a library was built here, where royal books and manuscripts were preserved.

The magnificent halls of the palace, which adorn the caisson ceilings, wonderful carvings on expensive red wood and, of course, luxurious furniture, simply delight the eyes of contemporaries.

Before the Royal Palace itself, one cannot fail to notice the ancient ruins of fortifications. Modern tourists in the castle of Buda are invited to visit museums, the most interesting and visited of which is the National Gallery. Here you can also see the chapel of St. Michael, Church of Maria Magdalina.

In this place there is a whole chain of natural caves, which have long served the Hungarians with wine cellars.

The Buda fortress is very large, but, frankly, it does not resemble a defensive building with its appearance, since the fortress outer wall is partially absent here. The castle includes several facades, as well as a wonderful patio, on which tourists walk with pleasure. One of his facades is aimed at Pest, it is near him that the sculpture is dedicated to Prince Eugene of Savoy.

Buda Castle is a charming historical center of Budapest, which, after numerous devastation, was restored by 1966. Nowadays, negotiations are underway to resume all its lost parts.

Buda Castle Buda Castle Buda Castle Buda Castle Buda Castle Buda Castle
Buda Castle - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 47.496111
Longitude: 19.039722


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