Chuuk Lagoon

Lagoon Truck – a unique natural formation with an area of more than 2000 square kilometers in the form of a lake located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, near the shores of Micronesia. At the bottom of its crystal clear waters is a huge cemetery of military equipment. Under the waters lies a whole fleet of Japan with many aircraft, ships and tanks that rotate into coral reefs every year more and more. For representatives of the underwater world, sunken equipment has become « a native home ».

Chuuk Lagoon

This tragedy occurred during World War II, in 1944, American fighters carried out Operation « Hilton », aimed at the destruction of the Japanese fleet and aircraft located at airfields. In an instant, this paradise became a mass grave for military equipment and military personnel who did not leave their combat posts. The defense of the island of Japan was never restored.

For several decades, it was only a sunken cemetery of military equipment, and only in 70 years, after the scientific expedition of Jacques Cousteau, the lagoon of Truck began to master divers.

Chuuk Lagoon

In holds under water are boxes with shells, ammunition, skeletons of dead people. All team members remained buried in the underwater world. The technique was preserved in the form in which their death found. Only bombs that were neutralized were taken out of the water, put on display as evidence of the largest naval catastrophe. All sunken equipment is protected by the laws of Micronesia, those who are trying to seize something – are punished with a fine or even imprisonment.

Lagoon The corpse is covered with a mystical secret. Divers die here every year, and their bodies remain unsolved. The predatory sharks living here are also dangerous. Despite this, there will always be lovers of swimming under water among sunken technology. The scuba divers in tourist centers are given cards on which the places of sunken types of equipment are indicated. Observing all safety rules, you can see with your own eyes all kinds of Japanese technology, do their study.

Today, the island has developed a modern international tourism industry, the main emphasis of which is on underwater tourism. For those who do not want to dive water, they organize excursions to the external reef.

Chuuk Lagoon Chuuk Lagoon Chuuk Lagoon Chuuk Lagoon Chuuk Lagoon Chuuk Lagoon
Chuuk Lagoon - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 7.416667
Longitude: 151.783333


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