Madar Nature Reserve

Madar's National Historical and Archaeological Reserve in Bulgaria is a combination of beautiful nature, numerous historical monuments and respect for all this. Visit the reserve to deliver a lot of positive emotions to everyone.

Madar Nature Reserve

History of the reserve

The territory on which the Madar Nature Reserve is located today has been inhabited by man since ancient times. There is everything for a comfortable stay. Nature, as it were, specially prepared reliable caves, suitable not only for everyday life, but also for conducting various religious rites. In addition, local vegetation gave excellent fruits of gathering, and the water, which is now abundant, is always the source of life.

At a later time, in the 14th century, there was a monastery in the caves located here. Cells of the fraternity, churches, refectory tombs, all this fit in more than 150 caves of natural origin and not only.

Madar Nature Reserve

It is believed that with the advent of the Ottoman authorities in these places, most cultural monuments of different times were destroyed and only a few have reached our days. Today, this territory is protected, all available facilities are diligently preserved.


The Madar rider is the most famous monument of ancient culture in the reserve. He is a figure of war on a horse, in the hands of a spear war with which he pierces a lion, accompanies a dog rider. Who exactly is depicted on the rock is not known for sure, there are several different assumptions. One way or another, the rider is the only such art in all of Europe, so it is protected by UNESCO. Around the rider are visible written on the stone in ancient language carved on the stone.

Madar fortress, or rather the ruins of the fortress, they are at the very top of the plateau. Almost nothing was left of the majestic fortress, but, having overcome the difficult path from many steps, you can admire the beautiful view of the surroundings of the reserve.

The nymph sanctuary is a cave, according to legend, forest nymphs and goddesses ( waters, forests and fertility ) lived in it. The object is also called « a large cave », next to it there is also « small » in which archaeologists discovered traces of ancient people. Chapel of St. Panteleimon is a fully functioning chapel, services are held here, people come to pray and put a candle. The icon of Our Lady with a baby is depicted directly on the wall.

At the entrance there is no territory of the Madar Nature Reserve, where a large number of various artifacts found on the territory are exhibited in a small room.

Ecological paths are laid on the territory of the Madar Archaeological Reserve, so you can observe the sights. The nature of the reserve is one of its attractions. Amazing snow-white rocks coexist with high dense greenery. Small streams flow down the rocks here and there, the water in them is considered very useful and many come here specifically for healing fluid. For lovers of souvenirs there are shops with a variety of memorable little things.

Madar Nature Reserve Madar Nature Reserve Madar Nature Reserve Madar Nature Reserve Madar Nature Reserve Madar Nature Reserve
Madar Nature Reserve - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 43.2768867
Longitude: -44.6016471


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