Salinas Grandes

Salinas Grandes – is a salt marsh located in northwestern Argentina. Its location is a tectonic cavity at an altitude of 170 m in the middle of ridges. The area of this territory is 6000 km2.

Salinas Grandes

Salinas Grandes is represented as a dried lake bottom, the white surface of which has been published resembles water surface. Keeping the way to this salt marsh can see magnificent mountain landscapes with different colors, as well as enjoy the view of roaming flocks of llamas by green puddles near the salt marshes.

According to most scientists, the salt marshman Salinas Grandes in ancient times represented the bottom of the lake. Nowadays, there are storerooms of drill, soda, potash. In this place, technology has been working tirelessly for a long time, extracting whole embankments of salt.

Salinas Grandes

A highway has been formed across the entire valley, and there is also a railway. Along the highway, skilled craftsmen built wonderful houses with benches from the production layers of this territory. There are also many interesting salt figures in the form of people, churches, birds. Tourists Salinas Grandes must be taking a souvenir home, the material for which was salt formations.

In the middle of the salt marshmallow there is a restaurant that is open. You can have lunch in it or just drink water. But it is worth noting that it is better not to go to this area without drinking, since the local temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius, and the tour can drag on. With you on a trip, you must also take a cream that can protect you from sunburn, tinted glasses, and it’s better to put on your clothes light and closed. In Salinas Grandes, rainy weather is a rather rare occurrence. But if precipitation falls, then water immediately flows into the cut tanks, and also immediately evaporates.

In popularity, Salinas Grandes gives way to the Uyuni salt marsh in Boliavia, so there are no hotels here, but travelers are always happy to meet the locals of the village of Purmamarka.

Salinas Grandes Salinas Grandes Salinas Grandes Salinas Grandes Salinas Grandes Salinas Grandes
Salinas Grandes - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -30
Longitude: -65


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