Redwood National Park

Redwood is a US national park north of San Francisco. It was founded in 1968 and after several extensions its territory amounted to 540 km2. Redwood entered 3 then existing parks with a sequoia. In 1980, the park was listed as a World Heritage Site.

Redwood National Park

Sequoia is one of the highest trees on the planet, some specimens reach 110 meters in height, and age up to 3500 years. In 1850, sequoia occupied more than 8000 km2 on the coast of California. This brought many lumberjacks here. Soon they found gold in this area and the masses of gold diggers came here, but the gold rush quickly ended and the population began to exterminate these sequoias again unlimitedly. In order to somehow preserve these trees, they began to create national parks everywhere, which later united in the Redwood National Park.

Redwood recorded 40 species of mammals, including a black bear, a mountain lion, a lynx, a beaver, a river otter, a black-tailed deer, a moose, a coyote. Along the coastline and on the rocky islands, California sea lions, sivuchi and seals are in the sun. At sea you can see dolphins and Pacific gray whales. Under the crowns of trees you can find various types of bats, red squirrels and northern leagues. The national park recorded 400 species of birds. From the birds you can meet cormorants, Easter cakes and gulls living along the coast. In the forests, a crochet, a cluster, a red-shoulder hawk, a large blue heron live.

Redwood National Park

Of the vegetation in Redwood Park, there are many blackberry bushes, raspberries that provide food for many species of animals. California rhodendron and azalea are flowering shrubs common in the park, especially in ancient forests.

Redwood Park served as a place to shoot for numerous films. For example, the planet Endor Star Wars was filmed here. Scenes for Jurassic Park also starred: The Lost World. The park was used to represent Jurassic forests in walking with dinosaurs. These forests in the film were an example of the New Mexico Triassic Forest, the remains of which can be found in the Petrifaid Forest National Park in Arizona.

Redwood Park has many campsites. But it should be noted that bears sometimes go to campsites, they are attracted to garbage and food laid out where tourists hit. For travelers, 320 km of paths are laid, because of frequent rains it is quite humid, so before going, you need to prepare and consult information centers. For outdoor enthusiasts in the park there are routes for mountain bikes, horse riding, streams and along the sea you can swim in a kayak. On rivers you can catch salmon or seed, but for this you need to purchase a license.

Redwood National Park Redwood National Park Redwood National Park Redwood National Park Redwood National Park Redwood National Park
Redwood National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 41.529167
Longitude: -124.058333


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