Mini europe

Mini-Europe – is a miniature park located in Brupark, which belongs to Brussels. The local exhibits are presented 25 times less than their originals in the European Union. More than 80 cities and at least 350 outstanding European buildings were built in Mini-Europe.

Mini europe

All models of the miniature park are very well-performed and accordingly have a fairly high cost. There are such objects, the construction of which went about 350 thousand euros ( Grotto Markt Brussels or Grand Place ).

Near the Mini-Europe itself is the famous attraction of Brussels called Atomium, which is a huge atom. From the highest point of this structure, a wonderful view opens, both to the city and to all of Europe in miniature.

Mini europe

To get acquainted with the beautiful architectural compositions of the museum, you will need only a few hours. During this time, you can taste various fortresses, cathedrals, churches, as well as admire the European squares that are presented in Mini-Europe with incredible credibility.

Park objects can be viewed, photographed. There is also the opportunity to watch mini- theatrical productions or listen to the sound of some actions. Here you can see how a high-speed train rushes through all of France or how to witness the eruption of Vesuvius. Also in Mini-Europe, the battle of Big Ben is well heard - famous watches in England, which are presented here at four meter altitude. The size of the local Eiffel Tower can be compared to a three-story building.

Near the exhibits there is an electronic scoreboard where detailed information about this attraction is provided. Also, some objects have special buttons, clicking on which you can hear the anthem of the country where their originals are located.

To create the Mini-Europe, nine countries were involved that belong to the European Union. The process of creating exhibits was quite time-consuming and required investment. Each object went through some stages before finding itself in a miniature park. Initially, the selected original was photographed many times, after which experts drew accurate schemes on the basis of which layouts were created using special equipment. The concluding point was the work of highly qualified artists, which conveyed the slightest shades of the structure.

A walk in the evening in the Mini-Europe park is beautiful in its own way, because each exhibit presented has a special backlight.

Mini europe Mini europe Mini europe Mini europe Mini europe Mini europe
Mini europe - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 50.894
Longitude: 4.339


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