
Brief description of the country

Myanmar is a country in Southeast Asia. More than 57 million people live on an area of ​​more than 678 thousand square kilometers. Most of the population professes Buddhism. There are many religious shrines here.

The best time to visit Myanmar is between November and February. There is no rain during this time. The maximum precipitation falls in July. In winter, the temperature is up to + 24 ° C, but in summer it is very hot here. The thermometer rises to +41°C. Travelers are advised to bring closed clothing and repellents.

Despite the fact that the country is considered one of the poorest, according to official figures, the unemployment rate in Myanmar is about 1%. Rice, legumes, peanuts, and sugar cane are grown in the country. Precious and semi-precious stones are mined. The name of the state in translation from the Burmese language means "strong". But it echoes the word Mya, which translates as "emerald".

The length of the coastline is almost 2 thousand kilometers. You can not only swim in the sea and sunbathe, but also surf. You can bring jewelry and crocodile leather products as a memory of the trip.

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